During the first few days or weeks of settling into a new home, homeowners often think of all sorts of investments they could make to improve their real estate property. Home décor, kitchen upgrades, and landscaping are just a few examples of these investments and improvements.
While most investments focus mainly on aesthetics or design, specific investments are more than just eye candy. One particular example of such investments is the installation of rainwater tanks.
As the name suggests, rainwater tanks are explicitly designed to collect rainwater overflow from the exterior of a house via pipes. These tanks can store hundreds or even thousands of liters of water at a time. With these tanks, you can store water and use it for several purposes, such as for watering plants, laundry, irrigation, or even drinking, if you have a filtration system.
Unfortunately, rainwater tanks can be a bit heavy on the wallet, especially if you plan to invest in a dedicated harvesting system. So, why should you invest in these heavy-duty tanks?
You Might Be Eligible For A Rebate
Not many people know about this, but when investing in a rainwater tank, you might be eligible for a rebate depending on your location or state. If you didn’t know, a rebate is basically a form of a discount on a particular investment. However, instead of requiring you to pay for only a portion of the original cost, you instead receive a portion of that cost at a later date, which would be the rebate. Think of it as a refund, except it’s only a part of the cost, and you get to keep the asset.
In the case of rainwater tanks, if you invest in one that fits the criteria of your local water agency, you might receive a rebate of up to USD$1,500 a few months after the installation of the water tank. To avail of these rebate programs, you should qualify for any of these conditions:
- Install a new rainwater tank with a capacity of around 2,000 liters
- Install plumbing lines on an existing tank with a total capacity of about 2,000 liters
- Replace an existing tank with a capacity of about 2,000 liters
Of course, that would mean you have to invest in a 2,000-liter water tank. You can proceed to the URL here to get a look at some residential rainwater tanks that would qualify for a rebate.
You Can Lower Your Water Bills
Perhaps the most obvious reason for investing in a rainwater tank is that it can potentially reduce your water bills. After all, you no longer have to use your faucet or tap for certain chores.
You can even get back your investment with the amount of money you’ll spend for the tank in about a year. However, that only applies if you invest in a durable water tank. Otherwise, you may have to spend more than necessary on repairs and maintenance.
Filtered Rainwater Is Usually Cleaner Than Tap Water

Contrary to common belief, rainwater is one of the freshest forms of water you can find, especially in a city. If you can filter the pollutants in the water, you can quickly acquire high-quality drinking water, even better than the water you currently enjoy.
Of course, for this to happen, you need a filtration system, which means you’ll have to spend a bit more in addition to the price of the tank. But the investment will be worth it.
They’re Environmentally Friendly
Most homeowners know that rainwater harvesting is one of the best ways to go eco-friendly. While it may not be the ‘benefit’ that most people are looking for, it’s certainly one way of contributing to environmental efforts. Rainwater tanks are eco-friendly for the following reasons:
- Rainwater tanks can minimize water overflow from storms, which can prevent contaminants like sediment, pesticides, and metals from polluting the surface water.
- Excessive rainwater can lead to streambank erosion.
- Tanks can be a reliable source of water for landscape irrigation and plants.
It’s Incredibly Useful For Emergencies
Water stored in rainwater tanks can also prove to be useful in case of emergencies, such as controlled and uncontrolled bushfires and droughts. For one, you can prevent fire from spreading further with the help of a hose and the water the tank has collected over time. You can also use the water to deal with irrigation issues whenever the drought season comes. In other words, by investing in a rainwater tank, you’re essentially preparing a precaution for emergencies.
Final Words
Rainwater tanks have become quite popular recently, and the trend shows no signs of stopping. After all, it’s among the most practical and beneficial investment decisions a homeowner can make. Of course, it’s important to understand that it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution, so you still have to put in a lot of thought when deciding to invest in rainwater tanks.