The aisle for cleaning products in the supermarket is a long one. There are different products for cleaning kitchen surfaces, pots and pans, appliances, carpets, upholstery,  clothes and everything else. In addition, many experts will tell you that some natural products work better than the commercial products do for specific types of cleaning needs.

The more efficiently and effectively  that you complete cleaning tasks, the more time and money you’ll have to enjoy your leisure activities – from embroidery and TV viewing to FairGo casino login gaming.

What’s the best way to clean your house?

Kitchen Stainless Steel

There are a lot of commercial products on the market to clean stainless steel but you have to know how to use them properly to get off those smudges, stains and streaks. Stainless steel is a popular choice for kitchen décor and appliances these days but it attracts fingerprints and water stains easily.

To clean stainless steel properly, avoid bleach, ammonia, alcohol-based products and chlorine and stick with simple solutions such as baking soda, vinegar or dish soap.  Put a little of the product on a soft rag and rub with the grain, not against it.

Coffee Pot

If you clean your coffee pot every day it will last longer and your coffee won’t taste of lime or other water sediment. To clean a coffee pot daily, remove the grounds, clean out the rew basket, carafe and lid with regular dish soap and wipe the warming plate down.

If you aren’t cleaning your coffee pot every day, limescale may build up. You’ll notice a build-up in limescale when you see that the brewing process is longer and your machine isn’t working as efficiently as it used to.

When that happens, check if your machine has an automatic descaling function. If it does, follow those instructions. If it doesn’t, fill the water reservoir and run your coffee maker through half of a drip cycle with one part white vinegar to nine parts of water. Stop halfway through the cycle and let the solution sit for 30 minutes. Then, let the brewing cycle complete its second half and follow with 2 full cycles of clean water.


Most of us stick our clothes in our dryer and don’t give it another thought. But if your dryer is clogged, it can actually be a fire hazard. According to the U.S. Fire Administration, there are 2,900 home dryer fires every year, almost all of which could be avoided if the dryers had been properly cleaned. In addition, if your dryer isn’t properly drying, it could also be because it hasn’t been cleaned.

The most important part of cleaning a dryer involves cleaning lint out of a lint filter. You should clean the dryer lint screen after every use because a build-up of lint can result in a fire within minutes. To clean the filter, remove the screen by pulling it up and out of the lint trap, wipe off the accumulated lint and replace the lint trap. Every six months, use a nylon brush or a toothbrush to scrub off any lingering lint that adheres to the screen.

Wipe down the inside of the dryer if you notice any odors on your clothes that you take out of the dryer.

Clean out the dryer vent and ducts once every couple of years. Fire prevention officials suggest that you consider this step if the clothes aren’t coming out of the dryer dried, if you smell a strange odor or if you can’t feel air moving through the outside vent.

Cleaning out the vent isn’t simple but you can do it yourself – if you don’t feel up to it, call in the pros. To clean out the exhaust vent, unplug the dryer’s power cord or, if it’s a gas dryer, close the shut-off valve to the gas supply line and then disconnect and cap the pipe. Remove the plastic cover that covers the end of the vent as well as any clamps or tape that connect the dryer vent to the exhaust. Pull the dryer vent pipe free from the exhaust and away from the wall duct.

Take off the duct cover and push a brush as far as possible into the dryer duct. Spin it clockwise and pull out any lint. Then, reconnect everything. Run a cycle on empty for 10-15 minutes to expel any residual dust and ensure that the vent is clean.


To get rid of dust and dirt, your vacuum cleaner should do the job. The most important tip for cleaning carpets is to vacuum often so that the grime doesn’t get ground into the carpet, It’s a good idea to sprinkle some baking soda over the carpet once a month and let it sit for an hour to absorb stains and odors. Then vacuum it up.

Similarly, if there’s a stain on the carpet, treat it as soon as possible.  Blot up spilled liquids with a white cloth or paper toweling.

Every year or so you should do a deep clean to brighten the colors and restore the buoyancy of the fibers. There are professional services that do this for you or, if you want to do it yourself, try cleaning with distilled white vinegar (one part vinegar to 3 parts cold water)  and spray the vinegar solution on the carpet until the entire carpet is quite damp. Don’t saturate it with water so that you don’t get the floor under the carpet too wet. Leave the solution on the carpet for 5 minutes and then use a microfiber cloth to blot it up. Let the carpet air dry and then vacuum it.

Alternately, use a one-to-one mixture of salt and baking soda. Sprinkle the salt/baking solution over the floor, spray water from a spray bottle over the sprinkled salt/baking soda, scrub the carpet with a scrub brush to work the cleaner into the carpet and then wipe it with a rag. Let the carpet air dry and then vacuum to remove any remaining baking soda/salt left in the fibers.

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