With the rise of social media, digital marketing, and big data, the marketing industry has become an exciting, dynamic place to work. However, the challenge of modern marketing is to satisfy consumers’ desire for information while staying within budget. Marketers have to find a way to cut through the clutter of promotions to capture their target customers’ attention. However, with ever-increasing constraints put upon marketers from changing attitudes towards data privacy, it has become more challenging than ever before to promote a brand or product to the right audience. Fortunately, some exciting innovations appear to address these issues, with SafeOpt emerging as one of the most promising. This article will discuss what SafeOpt is and how you can use it to promote your brand to those most likely to be interested.

What Is SafeOpt?

Data privacy has become a significant issue in the past few years. Data privacy is the right of individuals to control what data is collected about them and how it is used. With recent events, like the Facebook-Cambridge Analytica scandal, people are more aware of how companies use their information for various purposes. As a result, there has been an increase in demand for data privacy laws and regulations. Data privacy laws are put in place to protect people from their data being used without their consent. SafeOpt is a revolutionary solution to the age-old issue of combining the needs of errands to promote their products with consumer privacy. Most SafeOpt Reviews have been overwhelmingly positive on both the consumer and business side of the product. For consumers, it provides a conduit to receive relevant promotions and offers while remaining anonymous. However, SafeOpt really shines on the business front. It enables companies to use their enormous databases of customers who have opted in (this being the crucial point) to receive all kinds of promotions.

What Are The Benefits For Customers?

Before discussing how SafeOpt can prove beneficial for your business, it is worthwhile to review some of its main advantages to consumers. Users can sign up to the SafeOpt platform and make their marketing preferences known. The primary advantage it provides is that the consumer can remain anonymous while still taking advantage of various promotions that a business might offer. Consumers are generally happy to receive marketing updates and promotions but are wary of providing their contact information due to privacy concerns, as briefly mentioned earlier. By using a trusted intermediary like SafeOpt, they can be safe in the knowledge that their personal details will not be sold to third parties nor be inundated with irrelevant marketing messages.  

What Are The Benefits Of SafeOpt For Businesses?

Many of the advantages that arise for business users stem from the benefits provided to those users who have signed up. In a nutshell, it gives the correct balance between privacy, anonymity, and the need for businesses to market themselves. So let’s take a look at some specific examples of how this platform can add value to your current marketing efforts.

They Have An Enormous User Base

As of today, SafeOpt boasts over 175 million active users. This is a significant number of consumers that you can tap into and promote your brand. As mentioned earlier, the advantages presented to the general public are myriad. As such, they have successfully convinced millions of people to sign up and opt into a range of marketing avenues. It is this opt-in that makes these users so valuable. There are plenty of other platforms that can claim millions more users, but without the necessary consent of the customers, they will all be for naught.

Simply put, it is better to promote to 100 verified and willing consumers than 1000 disinterested users. Although playing the numbers game might have worked in the past, you can severely damage your brand by marketing to the wrong people. With SafeOpt, you configure your marketing efforts to those who have shown a genuine interest in being marketed.

Image source: https://unsplash.com/photos/mcSDtbWXUZU

You Can Use Their Platform To Become Data Compliant

The importance of data compliance cannot be overstated. It is a vital part of the business, and it needs to be addressed and monitored at all times. Ensuring that any data collected, stored, or used by an organization is legal is known as data compliance. This includes complying with laws such as:

  • General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
  • California Consumer Privacy Act (CCPA)
  • Children’s Online Privacy Protection Act (COPPA)

An organization can achieve data compliance by implementing a data governance program. All employees receive training on their responsibilities when handling sensitive data through these programs. It also ensures that any breaches are handled promptly to minimize risk to the organization and its stakeholders.

Needless to say, data compliance is often a massive headache for businesses. A solution like SafeOpt, on the other hand, will allow companies to become compliant immediately. This is because you must go via SafeOpt’s platform to send marketing messages to their millions of subscribers. While this might sound cumbersome, the benefits far outweigh the downsides. 

It Is Used By Hundreds Of Other Brands

All good marketers understand the importance of social proof, and marketers are no different. The very fact that numerous famous brands already have taken advantage of SafeOpt should be a great indication that it works as intended. Brands like Goop, Sierra, and others have all been able to tap into SafeOpt’s user base and increase conversions over traditional techniques.

You Can Take Advantage Of Permission-Based Personalization

Permission-based personalization is a type of marketing strategy where customers are given the option to receive marketing messages based on their preferences. It is also known as permission marketing because customers have to grant the company permission to market to them, which is the very essence of the SafeOpt solution. The idea behind this strategy is that it will lead to more sales and less customer frustration. In order to make sure that you are using this strategy correctly, you must get customer consent before collecting any data and only collecting data that is relevant to your business. However, this can be a minefield of regulation, incentives, and other hurdles you can overcome by using SafeOpt, which has already done the legwork for you.

Marketing is an endless cycle of problems and solutions. But, with the right tools, you can solve every problem. While many traditional marketing and advertising methods have failed, modern marketing has succeeded by introducing consent, which, when appropriately applied, can make marketing more effective and profitable.