Are you wondering if your child may have dyslexia? Dyslexia is a learning disability that affects one’s ability to read, which may present certain challenges for a child. However, the way that dyslexia presents itself is not the same for every child. 

This is because there are four main types of dyslexia that one may struggle with. If your child is having a hard time spelling or sounding out words or is having issues with reading comprehension, you may want to get them evaluated for this learning disability. To learn more about the four types of dyslexia, keep reading. 

1. Phonological Dyslexia 

Phonological dyslexia is the most common type of this learning disability. This form of dyslexia often results in difficulty with matching sounds to symbols. Often, a child with this form of dyslexia will have difficulty breaking down sounds in a word or sentence. 

This may look like a child who has extreme difficulty when it comes to breaking down language or sounding things out. This makes it difficult to read, as the child cannot properly decode words or sentences. This is extremely true when one with phonological dyslexia comes across an unknown word. 

One with philological dyslexia may read at a slow pace or may try to avoid reading activities out of frustration. While a child with this form of dyslexia may be familiar with a word, if they come across it in a new context, they may find it unfamiliar. 

2. Surface Dyslexia 

Similar to phonological dyslexia, those with surface dyslexia have trouble reading written words. However, one with surface dyslexia may be able to sound out new words with ease and tend to be an auditory learner.

This form of dyslexia mostly affects sight, which may present as eyesight problems, as one may be able to pronounce new words with ease after hearing them, but has difficulty identifying them visually. 

3. Rapid Naming Dyslexia 

Those with rapid naming dyslexia often have difficulty when it comes to being able to recall the names of shapes, colors, and letters when presented with them. This may result in a slow manner of speaking or someone who uses gestures to replace certain words or phrases.

They may also take longer than others to read and write. 

4. Double Deficit Dyslexia

This form of dyslexia often results in difficulty in two different aspects of reading – speed and sound identification. This often results in a child that will read at a slower pace while also having difficulty sounding out words. Due to issues with both recall and pronunciation, this is often the most severe type of dyslexia. 

Are you hoping to find a way to help your child find the tools they need to cope with their dyslexia for their overall health and wellbeing? If so, check out Read Academy today. 

Types of Dyslexia Explained 

While many don’t realize that there are multiple types of dyslexia, identifying which type your child may have can help you get them the assistance they need to learn properly. Have your child assessed professionally in the medical industry to see if they have dyslexia, and if so, what kind, so that you can get them the support they need to succeed. 

For related info, head to the “Education” section of our site today. 

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