Overflow incontinence is a condition in which the bladder leaks even when there is no stress on the urethra. Overflow incontinence can happen at any age, but it is most common in older adults. Treatment options include lifestyle changes, medications, and possibly urethral reconstruction surgery. Many people find that managing their overflow incontinence with a combination of treatments works best for them.

Lifestyle Changes for Overflow Incontinence

If you experience overflow incontinence, there are some lifestyle changes that you can make to help improve the situation. Drinking too much can cause you to have to go to the bathroom frequently and can also lead to leaks. Try drinking smaller amounts of fluids throughout the day instead of large quantities at once. This will help keep your bladder healthier and decrease your chances of having an accident.

One way to help lessen the symptoms of urinary incontinence is to schedule bathroom breaks frequently throughout the day. This will help to keep your bladder from becoming too full and will also help you to avoid any accidents. When you first start scheduling bathroom breaks, it might seem like a lot of work, but over time it will become second nature. Unfortunately, overflow incontinence makes it impossible to avoid your bladder completely because it physically does not work as it should. Still, you can minimize the volume of overflow or leaks with this method.

If you do experience leakage, make sure you wear absorbent underwear or pads to keep yourself dry and comfortable. Incontinence can be embarrassing, but it is nothing to be ashamed of. There are many products available that can help make living with this condition easier.

Medications May Help Some People

The possibility of finding prescription medication that can help with overflow incontinence is a top reason to overcome your embarrassment and speak with your doctor about this issue. There are several options available today that can calm bladder muscles and reduce the risk of leaks for some people. While most prescription medications focus on urge incontinence, there are also options that include bethanechol to aid with urinary retention. The only way to find out if these will work for you is to discuss all the details with your physician.

Is Surgery an Option for Incontinence?

While it is possible to have urinary tract and pelvic surgery to help with overflow incontinence, most medical service providers recommend other options first. These include lifestyle changes, medication, and catheterization use to empty the bladder more completely at appropriate times. One less invasive option is to implant a type of pacemaker or electrical stimulation device that triggers the bladder nerve to change the rate of urine retention. This outpatient procedure can help things work as intended if other treatment options do not help sufficiently.

Overflow incontinence treatment options vary greatly depending on the severity and the interests of the person experiencing the symptoms. Something as simple as controlling bathroom breaks and training your bladder to avoid more fully can help many people. Medications are especially helpful for men with enlarged prostate, and self-catheterization can provide a measure of control over the issue. Wearing absorbent undergarments or adult diapers always an option to give you peace of mind in case of leaks. Speak with your doctor to figure out the best options for you.