Are you looking for ways to boost the speed of your website and aiming to enhance visitor traffic? If yes, you should go for high-speed WordPress hosting that takes care of all your hosting needs and guarantees good speed and uptime. Here we talk about some optimisation techniques that can help you boost the speed and improve your search engine rankings and visitor traffic.  Fast-loading pages are crucial for a website especially if it is an eCommerce store and here we talk about how to ensure that your WordPress site loads quickly.

  1. Choose a good Web Hosting Company- The quality of hosting services used by you play a key role in determining the speed of your website. So, choose a good and established web hosting company that ensures that the speed of your website is good. You can check customer reviews to know the quality of services offered by the hosting provider.
  2. Choose a Lightweight WordPress Theme– Choosing a theme with many dynamic elements, widgets, and social icons can lead to a slowdown in the speed. Instead, go for a lightweight theme that has elements that are essential for the smooth functioning of your site. Reducing the size of images and videos displayed on your site can also improve the speed.
  3. Optimise JS and CSS files– Another way to ensure faster loading of your website pages is to reduce the number of CSS, JS, and HTML files. By reducing the size of these types of files you can improve the loading speed.
  4. Use CDN– Visitors from different geographic locations may wish to see your site. To ensure that the loading time of the web pages is the lowest, you should use a CDN or content delivery network. A CDN is a network of servers wherein a copy of your website is stored in various data centers across the globe. The speed-boosting CDN works by serving the requested webpage to a visitor by using the nearest possible data center.
  5. Use Advanced Caching Mechanisms– Another way to boost the speed is to use advanced caching mechanisms or plugins. You can check with your hosting company in India about such plugins.
  6. Uninstall unwanted or unused plugins-By reducing the size of your web files you can speed up your website. This is possible by uninstalling unwanted plugins or the ones that are longer useful for your site. Keeping such plugins will increase the size of your backup besides putting more pressure on your server resources
  7. Use Latest Versions– By using the latest versions of WordPress you get access to the latest features and plugins which aid in boosting the speed of your website.
  8. Clean WordPress database- An excellent tip for boosting the speed is a regular clean-up of your WordPress database. Deleting unwanted or outdated data will reduce storage space requirements besides cutting down the pressure on the hosting server.
  9. Disable Pingbacks and Trackbacks– WordPress includes features like Pingbacks and trackbacks that alert you whenever your website or blog receives a link. This can put an excessive strain on your server resources. You can disable these features to boost the speed of your WordPress website.

These tips can help you ensure that the hosting server is not burdened and your website gets loaded quickly. High-Speed WordPress hosting is possible when the hosting company uses the latest versions of WordPress besides including features like the use of CDN.