You can get an idea of the qualitative and quantitative characteristics of chemical processes by solving problems. Mastering the basic techniques and approaches to understanding the algorithms of the actions sequence is worth not only in order to make chemistry your profession but also to form your own worldview. However, if there is no time or it is not possible to master the methods of solution, you can find a competent assistant to get chemistry assignment help. It is enough to place an order on the site, and any task will be solved in a rational way.

Briefly about the subject and the complexity of the problems

Chemical processes are constantly taking place in the surrounding space. Some substances are converted into others, mixtures and solutions are formed. The amount of the final product does not always correspond to the composition and percentage of the initial ingredients. At the same time, humans rarely encounter pure substances. To give them stability, practicality, and safety, they are combined with impurities, the specific gravity of which must be clearly defined.

Learning to solve problems in chemistry means perfectly mastering the corresponding symbolism, which includes not only special designations of chemicals and mixtures but remembering the formulas that characterize certain transformations.

Types of problems

For ease of explanation, problems are grouped together. The classification is based not only on the basic principle of dividing chemistry into organic and inorganic but also, for example, by determining the percentage of elements, concentration of solutions, properties of the resulting mixtures, etc. A large group of problems is aimed at identifying not so much quantitative as qualitative indicators. To solve such problems, a stock of theoretical knowledge is also required on the peculiarities of the course of chemical transformations.

Chemists, according to the nature of the transformations, divide problems into direct and inverse ones. In addition, there is a classification into simple, complex, and combined problems. Some of them can be solved using a chemical equation; others require a step-by-step solution, depending on the sequence of the reactions.


To ensure that the solution takes into account all the information presented in the assignment, it is useful to make a plan at the beginning. It is divided into small stages, from which one conclusion is formed at the end – the answer to the problem. When drawing up a plan, synthetic and analytical methods are used, which are of the opposite nature. In the first case, the general essence is formed from individual facts; in the second, this condition is decomposed into its component parts. Knowledge of mathematical laws contributes to the successful solution of problems in chemistry.

However, not all problems involving the calculation of the percentage of a particular substance in a mixture are classified as chemical ones. Some of them are purely mathematical in nature.

How to learn to solve problems in organic chemistry

The first step in understanding organic chemistry problems is the fact that each substance has a different formula. It reflects the constituent elements, the nature of the connections between them. There are several nuances, knowledge of which will make solving problems simple and clear. For example, carbon always has a valence of 4; for alkanes, only single bonds are formed; for alkenes – double bonds, and for alkynes – triple bonds. It will not be superfluous to remember the composition of functional groups: oxygen- and nitrogen-containing compounds.

Most frequently assigned problems:

  • to compose organic chains (equations are used for this);
  • to determine the composition of organic matter;
  • computational problems of the combined type.

To correctly formulate a condition and state a solution, it is necessary to correctly apply terminology and conventions. With such knowledge, you will be able to solve problems in organic chemistry successfully. If something goes wrong, you can get help from experts who have the required knowledge in the subject. 

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