There’s a reason why the tire replacement market in the United States is worth an estimated $43 billion. We all rely on our cars’ tires each day to bring us to where we need to go.

However, despite this reliance, many people are unfamiliar with what the tire manufacturing process looks like. If you’re curious about it, then you’re in the right place.

In this article, we’ll break down what the process looks like at each different phase. That way, you’ll know more about the tires that you use every day. Let’s get started!

The Design Phase

Before the manufacturing process can begin the tire first needs to be designed. There are three main parts of each standard tire: the tread, the body sidewalls, and the beads. The tread is what comes in contact with the road when the car is in motion.

It features a raised pattern. Next are the body sidewalls. This is the side of the tire and it’s responsible for giving the product whatever shape it will have at the end of the process.

Finally, there are the beads. The beads consist of metal wire that’s been coated in rubber. It’s responsible for securing the tire to the wheel. These days the entire design process is accomplished using computers.

This allows manufacturers to create a 3D model of what the tire will look like. However, more importantly, it allows them to test performance and parameters before the tire is even made.

Typically during the design phase manufacturers will test the performance of the tread and the ability of the body sidewalls to maintain structure under stress. This helps save the manufacturers a lot of money on prototypes before proceeding.

During this phase, they will also test for the best type of material. For example, certain rubber compounds are great at providing traction for cold weather conditions. So, if a tire is being marketed toward people who live in cold areas, then it would use this material.

The Tire Manufacturing Phase

Once the tire has been designed, then it’s time to start making it. The first step of this process is mixing the raw ingredients that will be used. This typically involves a mix of both natural rubber and synthetic rubber.

In addition, materials like oils, carbon black, sulfur, and other compounds will be added. The mixture is put into giant cement mixers. The material will go through the mixer at least three times.

Each time it’s reheated to soften the rubber material. This is done so that compounds can be added each time. This helps ensure that all the chemicals being used have been dispersed evenly through the tire material.

Once the material is mixed a milling machine will begin rolling it out into thin sheets. These sheets are then used to make the specific parts of the tire. For the body sidewalls, the manufacturer will take a cloth and dip it in the rubber.

The rubberized fabric is known as a ply and tires will feature layers of them for a stable body. For the bead of the tire, a wrapping machine will create bundles of wire. These bundles are then covered in the tire material.

To make the treads the material must go through an extruder that will force it into the specific design. Once all the parts are made, then it’s up to a skilled assembler to make them using a tire-building machine.

At this point the tire is green. It needs to be placed in a curing machine and heated using steam. This causes the tire to expand and harden. Then, it’s cooled down and ready for use.

The Quality Control Phase

Now the tire is fully assembled. However, it’s still not ready to be shipped out. First, it needs to undergo quality control. Quality control begins at the beginning of the manufacturing process.

Any materials that are used are tested. This is to make sure that the rubber is strong and dense enough. If the design of a tire is new, then the manufacturers will take hundreds of the tires to test.

Specifically, the tires undergo destructive testing. They’re sliced open to determine the quality of the air pockets within the tire body. Or they’re pierced with metal spikes to determine the amount of puncture resistance.

If a design has already been established, then nondestructive testing methods are used for quality control. Random tires will be selected off the assembly line for this type of testing.

This typically involves putting it through an x-ray. This is a quick way of finding any defects before sending them off to be sold.

Where Can You Purchase Great Tires?

Now that you know how tires are made, you probably want to find some good ones for your vehicle. However, as the manufacturing process shows, there are a variety of different tires out there.

And, it’s not just a matter of choosing the appropriate size. You also need to decide on performance factors, like what you’ll be using the tires for. As such, we recommend purchasing from a supplier that will walk you through the process.

Sellers like are great for this purpose. Not only do they help you choose the perfect tire, but they also provide you with a 100% fitment guarantee. That means you never need to worry about your tires not fitting properly.

Want More Content? Keep Reading

We hope this article helped you learn more about the tire manufacturing process. As you can see, there are a lot of steps that go into making tires. This helps explain why they can sometimes be so costly.

However, since the right type of tire can mean the difference between life and death when you’re on the road, it’s a necessary expense.

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