Take a deep breath and close your eyes. You’re surrounded by waves. 

Sadly, you’re not on a luxurious Caribbean cruise (or if you are, congrats!). Electromagnetic fields are all around us, and some people fear we may drown in them. 

What’s the deal with recent concerns over EMFs and 5g cellular networks? What are EMFs, and could they be harmful?

Here’s everything you need to know about electromagnetic radiation. 

What is Electromagnetic Radiation?

Electromagnetic radiation, or electromagnetic frequency (EMF), is a form of energy in waves. Radio waves, microwaves, UV rays, light, and heat are all examples of electromagnetic radiation. 

Very tiny particles make up all waves. A wave is measured by the distance between two peaks, known as a wavelength. When waves are shorter, they move faster; their frequency is measured in wavelengths per second, or Hertz (Hz).  

Types of Electromagnetic Radiation

There are seven types of electromagnetic radiation on the known spectrum. In order from longest to shortest wavelength, they are:

  1. Radio waves
  2. Microwaves
  3. Infrared radiation
  4. Visible Light
  5. Ultraviolet
  6. X-rays
  7. Gamma rays

Shorter wavelengths have a higher frequency, translating to higher energy. These waves are also categorized into ionizing and non-ionizing EMFs. 

Non-ionizing EMFs

Non-ionizing EMFs have waves with low frequency and energy. There are both natural and man-made non-ionizing EMFs. The Earth’s magnetic field is an example of natural electromagnetic radiation, while Wi-Fi networks are a man-made EMF.

Non-ionizing EMFs may include:

  • Visible light
  • Radio waves
  • Microwaves
  • Infrared radiation (heat)
  • Extremely low frequency (ELF) radiation
  • Electromagnetic fields

Several modern-day amenities produce non-ionizing EMFs. Cell phones, computers, utility poles, Wi-Fi, microwave ovens, and other electronic devices emit EMFs. In recent years, 5G cellular data has become a concern due to its high frequency. 

Ionizing EMFs

Ionizing EMFs have shorter wavelengths and higher energy. These EMFs can damage cells by removing the electrons from atoms, or “ionizing” them. Ionized atoms in cells can cause cancer and other health problems. 

Ionizing EMFs include:

  • Ultraviolet rays
  • X-rays
  • Gamma rays

Are All EMFs Dangerous? 

Not all EMFs are dangerous, but high levels of ionizing EMFs can harm human health. 

If you’ve ever been in an X-ray machine, you may have been asked to wear a protective weighted vest or blanket. Too much exposure to X-rays can damage your organs. The vest blocks X-rays from entering the body.  

In modern society, it’s almost impossible to escape man-made frequencies from power lines, cell phone towers, household appliances, and more. Many online stores have emerged where you can shop for protective clothing, window tint, EMF shields, other other gear that blocks EMF waves. 

People exposed to high levels of EMFs may experience unpleasant symptoms. Some research has suggested that exposure to EMFs could cause cancers like leukemia. 

Symptoms of EMF exposure purportedly include:

  • Headaches
  • Dizziness
  • Fatigue
  • Insomnia or poor sleep
  • Memory loss
  • Brain fog
  • Skin problems

EMFs emitted by household appliances, technology, and powerlines have not been extensively studied. It is certainly possible that long-term exposure to these EMFs could cause health issues.  

Making Waves 

Overall, the jury is still out on whether electromagnetic radiation should be a significant concern for human and environmental health. Many have begun to stock up on protection and prepare for the spread of 5g networks. Their approach may very well be “better safe than sorry!”

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