Set menus are quickly rising in popularity, and many restaurants have adopted them fully. Customers love them because they are cheaper than the same meals a la carte.

Some people argue that the affordability is because the portions aren’t the same and that the meal sets are often offered when the business is lower. Others say that the set menus allow the restaurant to make the same food in bulky amounts, saving them time and energy. Whatever the reason is, the most important thing is that customers get to enjoy their meal and are satisfied.

If you love eating lunch in different places, you’ve probably noticed that many restaurants are busier at lunchtime than at other times. That’s because of the fantastic meal combinations they offer and an excellent ambiance. Let’s look at what set lunch menus are and how to decide on which to pick.

What Are Set Menus?

Usually, it is a complete meal offered in restaurants or cafés and has a fixed price. Individuals are given various choices for each course. Set menus are cheaper than when you buy individual dishes. Hotels use them to entice customers and make their experience unforgettable. Since they provide several dishes of different sizes, they allow customers to taste different meals during breakfast, lunch, or dinner.

Why Opt for a Set Lunch Menu?

The most obvious reason to choose a set lunch menu over individual meals is that it is affordable. You will get a variety of meals in the set menu sold at a lower price than when you buy them separately.

Additionally, set menus allow you to taste a variety of foods during your lunchtime. They are a perfect chance to sample different meals without breaking the bank. This way, you can find a new favorite meal that you’d not have discovered if you opted for the al la carte option.

How to Choose a What to Eat in a Set Lunch Menu?

Most hotels offer different food combinations on the menu. Therefore, it can be hard to decide which option to go with. However, some tips can make the process easy. Here is how to choose from the menu sets what to eat at lunch;

  • Choose What Your Gut Tells You

When you open the set menus, you will notice various combinations. To avoid the frustration of flipping back and forth, choose the meal that catches your eyes instantly. Additionally, you can also scheme for your favorite ingredients. For example, if you love mustard, choose a set that includes it.

  • Consider the Season

Many people don’t think about the season when picking foods to eat at the restaurant. But, this can help you choose the right meals to keep you energized and happy. For example, opt for a set that includes a summer dessert such as a fruit pie cake if it’s summer. Remember that the same items may not be offered the next time you come since set menus often change. Therefore, think of picking a seasonal meal set.

  • Ask for Recommendations from the Server

Your server is the best person to help you explore foreign or overwhelming menus. They can recommend the right set depending on your preference. There could be a must-try set that you don’t know or a combination that includes all your favorites. If you are undecided, take advantage of the server’s knowledge to choose a great menu set.

Final Thoughts

There are various set lunch menus you can try in Singapore hotels. From Asian dishes to German cuisines to meals from different parts of the world. You only need to find the right restaurant that offers what you’re looking for.