75% of Americans prefer a home-cooked meal over eating out. If you are one of them, you need to learn to cook if nobody in your household knows this vital skill. The best way to learn is to identify easy foods to cook.

Cooking for beginners can be challenging if you don’t know easy recipes. Preparing simple dishes is your best bet to gain confidence and competence in the kitchen.

If you want to learn how to cook, check out this compilation of easy food choices for beginners. Here, we discuss some of the best meals you can prepare at home as a new chef. Read on to learn more. 


Breakfast foods are some of the easiest to cook.

Take eggs, for instance. All you need is a pan and butter (or oil) to make eggs over-easy. For scrambled eggs, you may also want some milk to mix in.

Breakfast meats are also simple for beginners to prepare. You can cook sausage or bacon in a pan. You can also put bacon in the oven on a baking sheet for 20 minutes at 400 degrees to cook it even easier.


Cooking a steak is simple if you know how to do it. When cooking on a pan, heat the pan to a high temperature. Let the steak cook for 5 minutes on each side for a crispy exterior and pink middle.

Grilling a steak is also easy. The only tricky part is knowing how rare your steak is. Anyone can cook a steak, but getting a perfect consistency takes time and practice.

For some steak cooking tips, click for more information here.

Stir Fry

Stir fry is one of the simplest meals you can prepare. Get some of your favorite vegetables and meat, and pick out a stir-fry sauce at the grocery store. Try soy sauce or make teriyaki sauce by mixing soy sauce with brown sugar.

First, cut up your meat and vegetables into bite-sized portions. Grease your pan and pour the chopped meat and veggies into it.

Cook everything together on medium-high heat. Stir occasionally and serve over rice or noodles.


Pasta is one meal that anybody can cook. It is also a very affordable option for chefs on a budget.

The key to a great pasta dish is making a delicious sauce.

For your first attempt at pasta, use store-bought sauce as the base. Chop up some veggies like onions and mushrooms. Simmer them on low heat in the sauce with meatballs or ground beef.

When the sauce finishes, move on to the pasta. Boil some water, and cook your pasta until it softens.

Try These Easy Foods to Cook

The meals in this guide are some of the simplest foods to cook for beginners. Each would be perfect for a hearty, delicious meal at home. You can also switch up ingredients or look up exciting recipes on the internet.

Try your hand at cooking each of these meals. Then, think of some other easy meal recipes by researching online. Start your research by checking out other knowledge-filled articles on our website!