Before LED bulbs were invented, fluorescent and incandescent lights were the main light sources of both residential and commercial properties. Unfortunately, they were less efficient.

Today, LED technology is developing more rapidly than any form of the light bulb before it.

Due to innovations in LED, electricity usage can be drastically reduced, helping companies and homeowners lower overhead costs while also helping the planet.

So, what are its origins?

How was LED Invented?

LED, which is short for light-emitting diodes, came into popular existence in the 1950s.

However, when they were invented, they weren’t in the form of lights as we know them. Instead, they were utilized to play music on record players.

The next part of its existence was in the form of the discovery of near-infrared light emission. The first red LED came into existence in 1962.

After that, scientists developed red-orange and yellow LEDs.

For US manufacturers, creating LEDs to be viable commercially was a very lengthy process. However, a company named Fairchild Optoelectronics bought LEDs to market in 1970.

Thus, Fairchild Optoelectronics was the first LED downlight supplier in the United States.

Lights Before LED

For those who don’t know, LED (Light-Emitting Diode) is a semiconductor light source. It releases light whenever current flows through it.

The light it releases can be in the visible spectrum. However, it can also be in the ultraviolet and infrared spectrum.

While LED has a huge application today, the path of producing the first LED, as we know it today, was extremely complicated and long.

During the 20th century, incandescent light lit much of the companies and houses. The biggest drawback of this kind of lighting is that they waste tons of energy.

Aside from that, they also have a short lifespan. In the 1930s, people started using fluorescent lights.

While it’s more efficient compared to incandescent, they aren’t the best replacement since they contain toxic mercury. In addition to that, they were susceptible to flicker as well.

Thus, people were looking for a better solution.

History of LED Bulb

While working at Texas Instruments in 1961, Gary Pittman and Robert Biard invented an infra-red LED light. Unfortunately, it wasn’t very useful due to its extremely small size.

While working at General Electric, Nick Holonyak invented the first LED that generated visible red light in 1962. Thus, he was named the “Father of the LED”.

Throughout the entire 1960s, engineers and researchers kept on conducting experiments with semiconductors. Their main objective is to create LEDs that are more efficient.

As these people experimented with various chemical substrates, they produced orange and bright red LEDs.

While working at Monsanto, M. George Craford utilized one green and one red diode to produce a pale-yellow light in 1972.

In addition to that, he invented an LED that was around 10 times brighter than the first LED bulb. Because of this, Monsanto became the first to manufacture LED lights in bulk.

LED Lights

Nowadays, LED bulbs have become the most reliable, energy-efficient, and cost-effective light bulbs on the market. That is why most companies, such as dining tables wholesale, use them.

From strip lighting and downlights to various sized bulbs, LED bulbs have quickly become the preferred choice of a lot of commercial developers, builders, traders, and homeowners.

They are both practical and decorative. This makes them appropriate for a variety of establishments and rooms.

While at the higher price end of the market, a comparison between incandescent bulbs and LED lights proves that they are well worth the money.

According to studies, Incandescent bulbs generate around 1,500 hours of light. On the other hand, LED bulbs produce 25,000 hours of light.

That is almost 17 incandescent light bulbs per LED bulb.

LED Light Technology

Just like a lot of other aspects of technology, LED lights have advanced over time. Today, a lot of companies prefer LED lights as their lighting option.

First of all, LED bulbs utilize extremely little energy. However, they still have the longest lifespan out of all bulbs available on the market. This makes them a more eco-friendly option.

The most amazing benefit of LED bulbs is their versatility. You can use them for most rooms in your home. They can offer mood lighting in hallways, bright lights in bathrooms, and much more.

As technology keeps on evolving, so too will LED bulbs. They’ve got the possibility to become even more cost-effective, more energy-efficient, and more sustainable for the user.

LED Lights Improvement

LEDs are the most energy-efficient lighting option today. To generate the same amount of light as a 60-watt incandescent bulb, LEDs only utilize at least 10 watts.

The reason for this is that incandescent uses energy as heat instead of light. On the other hand, LEDs use almost all of their energy as light.

So, if you’re planning to start a cardboard perfume box manufacturing business, you can save money by using LED lights as the main light source of your company.


As of today, research into LED technology continues. Nowadays, there are LEDs that produce UV “black” light and pure violet light.

As time passes by, you can guarantee that developments in LED technology will only result in more cost savings.

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