Simple Logo Design

Pro-Tips For You To Make Simple Logo Design

Experts in logo design realize that effective logos have specific properties, one of which is clarity. Professionals in brand design know that simplicity is key to clarity. Your logo is your brand’s face, so make sure to use the best logo maker for your brand. As you raise brand awareness through logo-associated experiences, people will begin to value your logo and brand.

A logo with a complex design may be difficult to connect. Of all, even the most seasoned brand designer knows that complexity can be mistaken. In reality, creating a simple yet original logo design can be challenging.

●    Create the Double Entendre Visual

Some of my favorite logos in the world employ what I like to refer to as a visual double entendre, an extremely pretentious way of saying that they combine two images through a smart interpretation of a concept or notion. Logo designs that employ this style provide an air of intelligence and memorability. Viewers enjoy the mini-game you’re playing and are more likely to appreciate a design as a result.

●    Color Is Important

The color palette is a critical factor to consider when there is high competition in logo fashion. This is not a trivial choice; color conveys meaning and communicates concepts. The colors here captivate and entice the viewer; they breathe life into the artwork and add context to the shape of the terrain. Keep in mind that a well-designed logo is adaptable and functional. Occasionally, you’ll be restricted to a brand’s colors, but other times, you’ll be able to experiment.

●    Avoid Expressions

Every few years or so, a new vogue in logo design emerges. I enjoy studying design trends and may even advocate jumping on a few bandwagons to stay current. Still, when it comes to logos, I wouldn’t say I like it when a group of designers reuses the same idea repeatedly.

●    Make it Ownable

You should go for something instantly recognizable rather than following the crowd and opting for a cliché design. In this light, I’ve always admired the Evernote logo: Consider whether your brand logo is generic or unique when you create it. Bear in mind that your initial concept is often the most generic (it is also the first notion of everyone else). Fill a page or two of your notepad with preliminary sketches before deciding which ideas to pursue further. You can use an online logo maker to design your custom logo. An online and free logo maker can help you to create your own logo within minutes.

●    Everybody Is a Fan Of Customized Type

While we’re on the subject of uniqueness, virtually nothing gives your logo a more distinct feel than some amazing bespoke calligraphy. Too frequently view logo creation as a simple trip to the font menu to choose which typeface best complements the corporate name. If someone pays you to “create” their logo, they generally expect a little more effort.

Custom font helps ensure that your logo remains unique. Lowlife designers will rip off your work in an instant if they learn the typeface you’re using, but emulating a custom hand-drawn type takes true expertise!

●    Consider Aspects Of Proportion And Symmetry

While some individuals might get carried away with debates of proportion and symmetry (see the new Pepsi logo proposal), there are still some valuable lessons to be learned even when the craziness is removed. Even though the bite appears to contradict the symmetry of the Apple logo above, a closer examination reveals that considerable thought was placed into proportion and symmetry here (source image):

●    Maintain Simplicity

Let’s face it, not everyone can mix up a creative thing, so you have to create your own logo for the brand. Simply becoming a designer does not automatically make you an amazing illustrator or typographer (though it helps). If this describes you, have no fear; nothing is stopping you from creating beautiful logos.

Keep these four powerful words in mind when confronted with this situation: keep things simple, dumb! Simple but effective logos pervade the commercial world and consistently prove to be the most durable emblems.

●    Understand What It Means

Each effective logo tells a story. Beyond being merely a lovely sketch, excellent logos are dense with meaning, both explicit and implicit. This was mentioned in various instances previously. The arrow in the FedEx logo signifies forward movement and delivery, the Apple logo is missing a “byte,” and the Twitter bird is soaring skyward.

Half the time, I wonder if logo designers don’t come up with the message after the logo is created. Still, nonetheless, it’s wonderful when a designer can demonstrate to a client how much care and logic went into the logo they commissioned.


After reading our recommendations for creating the best logo for your brand, try to use the best free logo maker and apply these strategies. Today, over a million people are working in the logo design profession. As a genuine professional, you have to make a simple and creative logo for any brand, also having a meaning.


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