The business world is full of technical terms so it is not unusual for confusion to exist. Terms such as ‘corporate governance’ get thrown around with little explanation. So, what is it, why is it important, and what are some examples of it?

Keep reading to get answers to all those questions and more.

What Is It?

Corporate governance is the structure of rules used to direct and manage a business. Business aims can get explained and effective leadership gets provided. Management is more effective and stewardship can get reported to relevant parties.

Corporate Governance and the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors is the primary stakeholder influencing the structure of rules. Shareholders and other board members elect directors to represent the business. They are in control of directing the business as they see fit and ensuring everything runs right.

The Basics of 

The four underlying principles of corporate governance are responsibility, transparency, fairness, and accountability. There are partners who are not a part of the governance but still influence it. These include shareholders and proxy advisors.

Why Is It Important?

Rules and practices get created allowing for all stakeholder interests to get aligned. Effective governance creates business practices resulting in financial viability and integrity. Good corporate governance shows a company’s direction and allows for trustworthy investor relationships.


Three dominant models serve as corporate governance examples. Each business has its own structures and environments to consider. Each model can offer businesses different things.

Anglo-Us Model

The model also gets termed the Anglo-Saxon model. This model displays the Board of Directors and shareholders as joint parties. Secondary authority gets taken on by managers and chief officers. 

German Model

Also named the continental model or European model, it involves two groups. The executive board directs corporate management and gets controlled by the supervisory council. Supervisory council members get selected by employees and shareholders.

Japanese Model

The Japanese model instead focuses on joint responsibility and balance. There are two legal relationships in this model.

One relationship is between shareholders, customers, creditors, and any other important secondary parties. The other exists between managers, administrators, and shareholders.


There are several benefits to good corporate governance. All work in favour of optimal success.


Effective governance can lead to a business having more opportunities for success. Through maintaining confidence from investors capital can increase through investments.

Optimal Organization

With minimized mismanagement and risks, company’s can develop their brand. Through this formation optimal organization if possible.


With more detailed aims, a company can get held accountable for its actions. This provides a chance for potential objectives to get met enabling wider success.


More practical decisions can get made reducing failures. The total performance also improves.

Get It Right

Initiatives such as governance as a service help companies get their governance formulas right. This reduces their worries about the advantages explained above. Bad governance can affect a business’s operations and profitability. 


That’s all there is to the basics of corporate governance. Now you understand what it means and have some examples of it. You shouldn’t get too confused when it gets bought up in conversation next.

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