1 in 5 employees thinks they’d do a better job than their boss because they actually hate them. You don’t want this to happen to you.

Whether you’re a new boss or someone that just wants to become better in their role, knowing how to build trust with employees you work with is essential. You need strong employee relations so that your employees are happy and productive. 

There are team building games indoor and exercises to build trust in the workplace, but if they don’t work, what else can you try?

Keep reading for some basic ideas on how to build trust with employees at work. 

Be Honest

Being honest may sound easy, but in some cases, it can be difficult for a boss to always have transparency with the employees. In some cases, you’ll have to have tough conversations with your employees that are uncomfortable. 

For instance, if you make a mistake, take responsibility for it. If you don’t know about something they are asking, tell them that you don’t know and you’ll find out.

Do you think this may be something you’ll struggle with? Consider empathy training to learn more about how your actions impact others.

These types of conversations may not seem like they have much importance, but they are showing your employees that you’re a person like them and that you’re willing to be transparent with them about things that might impact them down the line. 

Use Practical Feedback Methods

Part of being honest means that you can tell your employees with precision exactly where they are doing well and where they are not. You want feedback to be:

  • Private and direct
  • Unbiased
  • Specific
  • Timely
  • Goal-oriented
  • Positive

You also want to make sure that you’re asking for feedback from your employees as their boss. As the boss, part of building trust in the workplace is showing them that you want to become a stronger leader for them. Asking the team for specific ways to do that will help you build a relationship with them and make yourself a better boss. 

Trust Them First

Building trust with your workers requires you to have a little bit of patience. You need to trust that they know what to do to get the job done unless something specific in your feedback is telling you otherwise.

Don’t micromanage your employees. Give them the tasks they need to have done with deadlines and the tools they need to do it. After that, let them handle their jobs and assist them when they require it.

As a leader, you know that you’re mainly responsible for the outcome of the work your employees put in. However, part of giving feedback and gaining this relationship with your employees will require you to trust them as your employees first. 

You Can Build Trust With Employees Starting Today

With these simple strategies to build trust with employees on hand, you can start to change things at your workplace. Build those relationships, practice being an example of trust to your workers, and see what might start to change. More than likely, you’ll be thrilled with the results.

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