Facing criminal charges is one of the hardest predicaments for any individual.

Worse yet, you could be charged with a crime despite not being at the scene. Even scarier, your court-appointed legal counsel could negotiate a bad plea deal or put forth a mediocre defense.

Experienced legal representation is essential for beating charges, but it’s only one variable to consider. Learn more in this mini guide to fighting criminal charges.

How to Communicate After Getting Booked On Charges

Did your constitutional rights get lost in the whirlwind of your arrest?

It’s vital to backtrack since any mistake on the arresting officer’s part could help your defense.

For example, if an officer forgets to read your Miranda rights during an arrest, your case could be dismissed. However, a judge would only consider dismissing the case if there isn’t sufficient evidence to charge you with a crime.

Even after you’re booked, you should still refrain from talking to officers without a lawyer present. Any little detail could incriminate you. Even discussing criminal charges with family members can negatively impact the outcome of your case.

Don’t Hide Information 

It’s important to understand that limiting communication with officers doesn’t mean keeping information from them. In fact, hiding evidence of a crime could land you with an obstruction charge. Discuss all details with your lawyer first; your lawyer should be present as you disclose vital information to the officer.

Call your attorney right away if any new information arises in your case. You may remember a detail months later which could help your case. If you’re incarcerated, you still have a right to communicate with your attorney; however, you may need to put them on a visitor list beforehand.

Don’t speak to the press either.

However, if the case is newsworthy, defendants can talk to the press with a lawyer present. Talking to the press is still a risk since a bad interview could be used against you; plus, the court of public opinion adds additional stress.

How to Act During a Trial for Criminal Charges

Like the arrest, interrogation, and booking process, remain cautious during your trial. Avoid saying too much to the police and press without clearing information with your attorney.

Don’t talk to any jury members under any circumstances. This mistake could result in more charges. If you’re free on bail, avoid any activity that could lead to subsequent charges.

Avoid speaking with the prosecutor outside of the witness stand. All communication should go through your legal team.

Tell your attorney if you were coerced into a confession or fabricating details. Documenting police misconduct could help your defense.

Remember, you have a right to remain silent. You also have the right to plead the fifth amendment during the trial, which prevents you from further incrimination or harm.

If you’re worried your court-appointed attorney isn’t fighting for you, you have the right to hire a new lawyer who can protect your rights.

Fight Your Charges

Don’t fall victim to communication mistakes or poor legal defenses. Ensure you have the tools to fight criminal charges!

Whether you or a loved one is facing charges, keep this guide handy as you navigate the process. The blog also has the latest tips for readers with hectic lives.

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