Are you interested in learning how to perform animal CPR?

It’s now or never. Animals are vital parts of our lives, providing affection and amusement.

When our pets succumb to a cardiac illness, we naturally want to help them as best we can. A pet owner must be alert to early warning indications of cardiac disease.

Perhaps most importantly, learning how to perform animal CPR is necessary. Need help with how to perform animal CPR?

We’ve got all the info you need. Read on to some of the highlights below to learn how to save your furry friend’s life.

What Is Animal CPR?

Animal CPR is a process of providing chest compressions and rescue breaths to an animal in cardiac arrest. It is a lifesaving measure that can be performed on cats, dogs, and other small mammals.

When performed correctly, animal CPR can be the difference between life and death for your pet. The key to successful animal CPR is to remain calm and start the process immediately.

When Is Animal CPR Needed?

Animal CPR is typically only needed when an animal has been through a traumatic event, such as a car accident, or when they have been drowning. However, it is always best to err on the side of caution and call your veterinarian if you are unsure whether or not your animal needs CPR.

If you are performing CPR on an animal, keep the animal’s head level with its body and avoid tilting the head back, as this can cause the tongue to block the airway.

How to Properly Perform Animal CPR

Dog and cat first aid is a simple procedure that anyone can learn and only takes a few minutes to perform. 

Begin by checking the animal for signs of life, such as breathing and a heartbeat. If the animal is not breathing, start pet CPR by gently pressing the animal’s chest.

Administer CPR for two minutes before checking for signs of life again. If the animal is still not breathing, continue CPR for another two minutes.

If the animal begins to breathe on its own, stop CPR and monitor the animal closely. If the animal does not begin to breathe independently, continue CPR until emergency help arrives.

When to Call for Help

When an animal is unresponsive and not breathing, it is time to call for help. If you are alone, call 911 or your local emergency number.

If someone is with you, have them call for help while you start CPR. Start CPR with compressions only if you are untrained, as chest compressions are more likely to restart the heart than mouth-to-mouth breaths.

If you are trained in CPR, alternate between thirty chest compressions and two rescue breaths.

Know CPR and Save Lives

Although performing Animal CPR can be daunting, it is essential to remember that they are still living creatures that deserve a chance at life. With a bit of knowledge and a lot of care, you can be the one to save an animal in need.

If you would like to read more helpful tips on pets in general, check out our other blog posts today!