Something about the end of the year and the beginning of the new year naturally inspires you to remember your old habits and start wiser ones. This well-studied phenomenon is called the “new beginning effect” – milestones like the new year motivate people to set goals. So if your goal is to figure out how to find love in 2022, we have news for you: You don’t have to spend hours on those dating apps to make it happen until the end of your day. Many of the best dating tips will surely help you find your true love. Even if you are a single parent, you can find sites dedicated to single parent dating.

For many of us, finding love is a crazy and elusive process. For the matchmaker, it’s just another day at the office. It’s hard to find someone to support you emotionally (and sometimes physically) when you’re overeating with a bag of chips after a bad day. But luckily, a professional matchmaker has a series of dating tips for singles looking to end a serious relationship gracefully. So, don’t worry about using online dating and professional matchmaking services.

Follow these great dating tips, and chances are you won’t be alone and single for very long.

1.     Get Rid of the Losers Who don’t Make You Happy

If the person you’re dating is constantly frustrating and hindering you, can’t meet your needs, or refuses to commit to you, it’s time to let them go. Being with someone who doesn’t make you happy because you hoped to change suddenly will cost you a lot of your precious time — time you could spend meeting and dating someone right for you. You will never meet “this” if you stick to the wrong one.

So, as they say – out with the old and in with the new, breakups are hard to pull off but believe us, at this point, the only thing you’ll regret looking back on it that you’ve never broken up before.

2.     Change Your Thought

You should desire to kiss 15 men and have two deep connections before dating only one man. Does that mean you have to have fun until you find the lucky number 16? Of course not. But try to go into every meeting with an open mind, heart, and neutral expectations. Remember that the first meeting is just an opportunity to get to know someone and see if you are interested enough to learn more about that person and vice versa. Some dates will work, and some won’t. It’s an integral part of dating and acceptance, making the journey a lot more enjoyable and stress-free.

3.     Handle Your Baggage

Everyone has scratches and scars from previous experiences that can creep into their love life. For example, your parents may not show a lasting commitment, and you may realize that you need a relationship. Or maybe your ex cheated on you and left you with serious trust issues. Whatever baggage you’re carrying, it’s time to dig deep and change it. Otherwise, it’s almost impossible to have a strong relationship with someone new.

4.     Forget “Rules.”

No “meeting rules” today. Don’t wait three days for them to ask you again after a great meeting and date. If interested, ask directly or the next day. The same goes for you – if you like someone, making the first move is more than acceptable. Research shows that men are increasingly open (and aroused) to women who take the initiative. Do you want it? Get it!

5.     Don’t Commit to Exclusivity for the First 3 Months

At first glance, this may seem like a fairy tale. One week they had planned a romantic getaway for the weekend, and they said these three little words at their third meeting. But here’s the truth: when someone insists that your relationship is moving at a perverse rate, it’s a big red flag.

Lessons here? Slowly and surely win the race. Anyone worth being with would be willing to wait for those feelings to grow. By taking the time to meet, you are using the opportunity to get to know all aspects of the other person — not just the ones they want to see — before deciding your future.

6.     Don’t Be Afraid to Fail

Expect to fail. Think of some of today’s greatest innovators (Bill Gates, Steve Jobs, Mark Zuckerberg) and realize that they too had to fail. Going on a bad date means you are much closer to finding someone. If you don’t try, you won’t find love!

7.     Fake Until You Make It

No – not fake! We are talking about false beliefs. Someone who is satisfied and comfortable with themselves is very desirable and will make you more attractive to the opposite sex. Better yet, researchers found that you don’t have to be arrogant to get a guy’s attention; A woman’s natural smile was enough to bring him to his knees. Simple!

8.     Let Other People Set You Up

One of the reasons many single people struggle to find lasting love is because they have so-called “bad choices.” They continue to seek the same types of people — say, bad boys who are afraid to commit, beautiful but shallow women just looking for their money, or controlling men they perceive as caring and protective. Then they wonder why all their relationships seem to end the same way. If you’ve ever experienced deja vu in a meeting — and not in a positive way — it might be a good idea to change things up and get out of your comfort zone. In particular, letting someone hit you can help prevent you from falling victim to the same old habits.

9.     Don’t rely on instant connection

Sometimes the initial “chemistry” search can be a very limiting factor. Half the time, the initial attraction shows lust, not even love. So, if you’re interested after your first date, give yourself a chance to see if the chemistry grows with your understanding.


As you focus on your personal growth in the new year, work on becoming the partner you are looking for. This way, you will not only have a better chance of attracting someone with similar qualities, but you will also have a stronger sense of confidence to serve you when you are alone.