Timesharing is a type of property ownership where multiple individuals share the cost and usage of a vacation property. This can include condominiums, cabins, villas, or other types of lodging. In this arrangement, each owner has the right to use the property for a specific period each year.

To better understand what timesharing is and how it works, here are some key things that new buyers should know:

Understanding the Basics

Timesharing is based on the concept of dividing ownership of a property into “timeshares” or “intervals.” Each interval represents a certain amount of time (usually one week) that an owner has to use the property. Owners can then purchase multiple intervals to use the property for longer periods.

Types of Timeshare Ownership

There are two main types of timeshare ownership: deeded and non-deeded.

Deeded Ownership

With deeded ownership, the buyer owns a specific interval and has a deed for that property. This means they have an actual ownership stake in the property and can potentially sell or rent out their interval.

Non-Deeded Ownership

Non-deeded ownership, also known as right-to-use ownership, is when buyers purchase the right to use the property for a certain period each year, but they do not have an actual ownership stake in the property. This type of ownership is typically for a set number of years and does not give the owner the ability to sell or rent out their interval.


There are two main costs associated with timesharing: upfront fees and annual maintenance fees.

Upfront Fees

When purchasing a timeshare, buyers will typically pay an upfront purchase price for their interval. This can range from a few thousand dollars to tens of thousands of dollars, depending on the property and location.

Annual Maintenance Fees

Owners are also responsible for paying annual maintenance fees, which cover the cost of upkeep and repairs for the property. These fees can vary greatly and increase over time, so buyers need to factor them into their budget.

Benefits of Timesharing

Once an individual becomes a timeshare owner, they have the right to use the property for their designated time each year. This eliminates the need to book accommodations and can save money in the long run compared to constantly renting vacation properties.

Booking Flexibility

Timesharing also offers booking flexibility, as owners can often trade or exchange their intervals with other owners at different locations within the same timeshare network. This allows for more variety in vacation destinations.

Community and Amenities

Timesharing can also provide a sense of community, as owners often have access to shared amenities such as pools, fitness centers, and recreational activities. This can create a more well-rounded vacation experience.

Considerations for Buyers

While there are benefits to timesharing, there are also important considerations for buyers to keep in mind.

Limited Usage

Timesharing only allows owners to use the property for a certain period each year, which may not be ideal for those who want more flexibility in their vacation plans. Additionally, intervals may not always align with peak vacation times or desired travel dates.

Maintenance Fees and Risks

As previously mentioned, owners are responsible for paying annual maintenance fees. These fees can increase over time and may become a financial burden if not accounted for properly. Additionally, there is always the risk of unexpected costs or issues with the property that could impact the enjoyment of ownership.

Legal Consideration and Contract Awareness

Timesharing involves a legally binding contract between the buyer and the timeshare company. It’s important for buyers to thoroughly read and understand all aspects of the contract, including any restrictions or rules regarding usage, fees, and potential resale.

Exiting Timeshare Agreements

When it comes to timeshare ownership, the possibility of changing one’s mind or wanting to exit the agreement can’t be ignored. That’s where a timeshare cancellation law firm comes into play, offering specialized legal counsel to navigate the complexities associated with dissolving a timeshare contract. These firms understand the nuances of timeshare cancellation law and can guide potential legal remedies available to owners who wish to exit their timeshare obligations.

Potential Strategies for Cancellation

Most timeshare cancellation law firms will start by reviewing the original timeshare purchase agreement to identify any potential points of contention or loopholes that could be used to argue for a contract termination. Following this, they might negotiate directly with the timeshare company to reach a settlement that releases the owner from their timeshare, or they might pursue legal avenues to have the contract declared null and void if any fraudulent or unethical sales practices were employed.


Timesharing can be a great investment for individuals who value consistent vacation accommodations and the potential for community and amenities. However, it’s important for buyers to thoroughly research and understand all aspects of timeshare ownership before making a purchase. Legal considerations, maintenance fees, and limited usage should all be carefully considered before entering into a timeshare agreement. And if an owner wants to exit their contract, a timeshare cancellation law firm can provide valuable guidance and assistance.  So, it is wise for potential buyers to consult with such firms beforehand to make an informed decision about their investment.