Did you know that police solve just about 2% of all major crimes? In reality, 11% of serious crimes result in arrest, and less than that end in a conviction.

To do your part to get criminals off of the streets, it’s important for your police force or security company to have the right equipment. Body-worn cameras are essential tools for these teams.

Keep reading to learn the benefits of body-worn cameras.

High-Quality Audio and Video Recording

Body-worn cameras provide video footage and audio recordings. This leads to helpful evidence of police and individual behavior in these situations:

  • Stop and frisk
  • Property search
  • Car chase
  • Force stop of a vehicle
  • Witness interviews
  • Arrests

The microphone attached to the camera is highly technical and can record everything from conversions to background noise.

Law enforcement authorities get the real picture of events from the perspective of the officers wearing cameras for the body.

Digitizes Faces

Body cameras are high resolution and can digitize faces. These files are inputted into facial recognition software to help officers identify criminals accurately.

This is most helpful during wild car chases or hit-and-run cases.

Although body cameras can recognize faces, getting them into the system takes time. The police force should still utilize equipment like two-way radios to detail the look of a suspect to other people on the force.

Click for TLK 100 radios that are rapid and reliable in police situations.

Metadata Generation

Body cameras can help police forces and security agencies generate metadata. Metadata refers to the following:

  • Personal user information
  • Transactional user information
  • Device
  • Activities taking place
  • Data and time
  • Location
  • Duration

A body cam is essential for generating high-quality and accurate metadata that can be used in cases and arrests. It is very effective throughout an investigation and, if necessary, a trial.

Enhances Accountability

Another one of the benefits of body-worn cameras is that it enhances accountability in the police force.

Officers are on their best behavior when the camera is on. Not only that, but individuals that have encounters with the police are more likely to behave when they are being recorded.

Body-worn cameras also reduce violence among police and respondents. Less force is common with the use of body cameras.

A body-worn cam records real-time happenings so that officers and individuals can be free from false allegations. These cameras bring professionalism to the force and trust from the communities that officers serve.

Does Your Team Need Body-Worn Cameras?

If you are responsible for a team of police officers or security staff, your team could benefit from body-worn cameras.

Cameras worn on the body record happenings in real-time with high-quality audio and video. They can digitize faces to make catching criminals easier and generate metadata that details an incident.

Most importantly, body-worn cameras hold your teams accountable while they wear their uniform.

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