Dengue fever is the most frequent and severe arthropod-borne viral (arboviruses) infection. It is spread by mosquitoes of the species Aedes, which are found in the tropical and subtropical regions of the world. Dengue fever has become much more common in recent years, with estimates reaching 40 percent to 50 percent of the world’s population at risk in equatorial, subtropical, and, more frequently, temperate locations. 

Dengue fever is a quickly spreading disease and is a serious health issue in the tropics with the potential to spread to certain other parts of the globe. The etiological agents of the virus are four flaviviruses (DENV-1 to DENV-4), which are primarily transmitted from person to person by an Aedes aegypti mosquito. And it can be tested through a dengue test which provides information about the infection.

Identifying the Causes

Any of 4 categories of dengue viruses can cause dengue fever. Dengue fever cannot be contracted by being in the presence of an infected individual. Dengue viruses are carried by two species of mosquitoes, which are abundant across human accommodations.

When a mosquito bites a dengue virus-infected person, the virus invades the mosquito. The virus then travels through the bloodstream of the person who is bitten by the infected mosquito, causing illness.

Once you recover, you gain immunity from the type of dengue virus that attacked but not to the remaining three varieties of dengue fever virus.  This indicates you could be infected by these other three virus types in the future. If you catch dengue fever for the second, third, or fourth time, your chances of acquiring severe dengue fever increase.

Various Risk Factors

You are more likely to get dengue or a more extreme version of the virus if:

  • Residing in tropical areas – To be in tropical and subtropical climates increases your chances of contracting the dengue fever virus. Southeast Asia, the West Island nations, Latin America, and Africa are also high-risk zones.
  • Previously infected from dengue fever – If you have had dengue fever before, you are more likely to suffer serious complications if you get it once again.

Symptoms that demand immediate Dengue testing

Fever and physical aches can occur for various reasons, especially when the weather changes. While fever is a classic reaction of the internal organs to illnesses, you should consult a doctor if the temperature is excessively high or accompanied by other symptoms such as dizziness, rashes, or other discomfort.

  • Sudden and high fever
  • Higher headaches than normal
  • Fatigue
  • Vomiting
  • Skin rash
  • Joint and body pain
  • Bleeding gums

These are some of the complications which are found in the human body that indicates doctors that you must get a dengue test to be done. Indications can be modest, and they can be confused for influenza or other infectious agents. The virus affects young kids and persons who’ve never had it before in a milder way than it does older children and adolescents. However, major issues can arise.

 Dengue hemorrhagic fever is a rare complication marked by a high temperature, damage to lymphatic and blood arteries, bleeding from the mouth and gums, liver swelling, and cardiovascular system failure.  Severe bleed, shock, and death may occur because of the circumstances. The condition is known as dengue shock syndrome.

When to consult a doctor?

Whether you visited an area known to be associated with dengue fever or have any of the symptoms mentioned above, seek medical attention immediately. 

Serious stomach discomfort, vomit, breathing difficulties, or bleeding in your nostrils, teeth, vomit, or feces are all severe symptoms. Call your doctor if you have recently traveled and have a fever and adverse reactions to dengue fever.

Dengue fever diagnosis

A dengue test can be used to identify illness by looking for the infection or antibodies against it. Notify your doctor if you fall ill after visiting a tropical place. It will enable your doctor to determine whether your symptoms are the result of dengue disease.

Dengue fever preventions

The best approach to avoid contracting the virus is to avoid mosquito bites, especially those who live in or visit a tropical environment. This entails taking precautions and attempting to reduce the mosquito number.

Get rid of sites where mosquitoes can spawn to lower the mosquito population. Old tires, cans, and potted plants that gather rain are examples. Check the water in outside bird showers and pet water bowls on a regular basis.

If somebody in your household contracts dengue fever, be extra cautious about mosquito protection for yourself and additional family members. Mosquito bites from an infected family member may spread the disease to others in the house. Always make sure to have a dengue test If you even feel slight symptoms for dengue and take necessary precautions.

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