Sexy Nails: Introduction
Red represents strength, while white represents purity. What happens when the two are combined? You get an innocent colour known as pink, as well as the power of sex appeal. Style Interest has compiled a collection of innocently sexy nail designs to demonstrate the potential of such a colour in the fashion world, particularly on your fingertips. Many women believe that pink is a cliche colour for nails, but after seeing these designs, you’ll fall in love with the colour all over again.
Traces of silver
Pink with silver lining around the edges. Sparkles are an easy way to boost the majesty of any set of nails. Glam it up and make it sparkle!
Barbie Land
Yes, these do remind me of my old Barbie dolls from my childhood. The colour is a hot pink that is meant to be both sexy and innocent at the same time. It’s incredible that this colour ended up on Barbie.
Shimmer of Magic
These bronze/gold sparkles add a lovely shimmer to an otherwise dull pink. However, the shape of the nails is perfect, and the large blue glitter pieces add a distinct look.
Mantra of Mismatch
When each nail has its own personality, there is never a dull moment. We love the addition of green gems; such colour combinations are uncommon.
A Giraffe’s Fantas
When it comes to pink nail designs, mimicking the pattern of a giraffe is fun. This design will take some time to complete, but the end result is well worth it. Take a look at those monochromatic hues!
Sexy Nails: Points To Note
Stage Lighting
You’re a rock star! These nails remind me of a backstage vanity with a lot of lights shining on the faces of beautiful stage artists.
Beauty’s Face
A lovely pale pink, with a hint of Parisian mystique. I’m curious about what she’s thinking as she rests on the wearer’s fingertip.
Bows for Babydolls
Bows abound. Who doesn’t appreciate the variety of styles that bows can take on? Some women get out of bed in the morning because of pink nail designs like this one.
Sunset enchantment
This set of pink nail designs fades from a peachy pink to a deep violet and is a fabulous addition to most bikini looks – the black designs are slightly reminiscent of palm trees.

Creative Look
Pink Glamour Mini
One of our more stunning pink nail designs, it’s as if a goddess was born with such flawless nails. This simple and elegant design is eye-catching for any occasion.
Machines for matching
Who wouldn’t want their pink nail designs to match their phone cover? This screams high fashion and is a fantastic idea – phones are becoming increasingly popular, and it’s fun to coordinate the cover with your nails and outfit. Witch gothic nails are a great way to add some magical style to your look.
Stripes of zebra
If you ever want to jazz up your pink nail designs, some silver zebra stripes will do the trick.
Melody in One Color
Look at all of those pink nail designs! When it comes to the colours used, this is the epitome of monochromatic. Try a variety of geometric patterns on your nails – each one should have its own personality!
Wonderfully Wonderful
The ring and pinkie fingers have their own distinct designs that complement the rest of the fingers. It’s a great idea to spice up your nails.
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