Spanish people are known for their love of pets. It is reflected in their cultural norms and traditions. Many locals keep cats, dogs, fish, birds, and other pets. For this reason, foreigners willing to move to Europe often consider properties for sale in Catalonia, Andalusia, or another autonomous community in Spain for relocation.

Before starting house hunting for Spanish residential units, check out the specific features of transporting pets into the country.

Pet immigration regulations and restrictions in Spain

Foreigners can bring up to five pets into the country. Dogs, cats, and ferrets must be ISO microchipped and vaccinated against rabies at least 21 days prior to travel. In addition, pets must be older than 15 weeks old.

Pet passports are required for EU and EFTA citizens. Other pet owners should provide a certificate that should be translated into the Spanish language and signed by a veterinarian.

If a person wants to bring a pet from a country with a high risk of rabies infection, they must have a blood test for antibody titers one month post-vaccination and three months before departure. This will assess the pet’s immune response to the virus.

Bird owners who are citizens of EU/EFTA countries must provide the INTRA-2 veterinary certificate (in the Spanish language). Owners of other pets, including reptiles, an must have the INTRA veterinary certificate.

Transportation of pets from non-EU/EFTA countries

Non-EU/EFTA pet owners must provide an animal health certificate, signed by a veterinarian. This document certifies that:

  • the animal was in quarantine for 30 days before heading to Spain;
  • the animal will be put in a 30-day quarantine on arrival in the country;
  • the animal has been vaccinated against the Bird Flu at least 60 days before travelling;
  • the bird was tested for the Bird Flu and isolated for 14 days.

If a pet does not have the required vaccinations, medical examinations, and health certificates, the border authorities can isolate it and even return it to the departure point. In extreme cases, they can put the pet to sleep.

Companies that specialise in transporting pets

To simplify the process of transporting pets, a foreign individual can use the services of special companies that will handle all the required documents and ensure the safe transportation of pets. The most trusted companies are Global International Relocation and Pet Relocation.

Pet registration in Spain

All dogs and cats must be microchipped and registered with a Spanish veterinary clinic. The process and related expenses differ depending on the Autonomous Community. Many Spanish charities and animal welfare centers offer chipping services. Each community has its own registry, which is coordinated at the national level by the Spanish Pet Identification Network (Red Española de Identificación de Animales de Compañía – REIAC).

If a pet has an identification number dated before July 3, 2011, it does not need a microchip.

If a pet is considered a dangerous animal, the owner must register it with the Register of Dangerous Animals (Registro de Animales Potencialmente Peligroso). This can be done at the local town hall or online. By the end of 2022, all dog breeds will be removed from this register.

Required documents

To complete the registration after a pet has been microchipped, the pet owner should provide the following documents:

  • A main document that certifies the identity of the pet owner, such as a valid passport;
  • Alien identification number (NIE);
  • Information about the Spanish address of residence and contact number;
  • Document confirming the ownership of a pet animal (if any);
  • Animal health certificate or medical card with detailed information about vaccinations, treatment, and examinations.

The registration fee depends on whether the pet needs a new microchip and on the local authorities’ rates, but usually it varies between 15 and 50 euros.

Pet passports

People who arrive from EU countries should have a pet passport (if they own dogs, cats, or ferrets). It must include the following information:

  • name and address of the pet owner;
  • description of the animal (breed, sex, age, and color);
  • chip identification number;
  • information on vaccination against rabies (date, expiration date, type, compamy’s name, and serial number);
  • address and signature of the veterinarian.

These passports may be received from most licenced veterinarians in Spain. It usually costs between 50 and 100 euros. To get a passport, the following documents should be given:

  • Pet owner identity card;
  • Alien identification number (NIE);
  • Information about the Spanish address of residence and contact number;
  • Information on vaccination against rabies;
  • chip identification number.

Assistance with acquiring a home and relocating to Spain

In order to relocate to Spain with your pet and start settling in a new country as soon as possible, check out the offers on the local housing market right now. One of the most extensive databases of residential properties is presented on the official Spain-Real.Estate website. The aggregator’s clients can count on assistance with selecting the best residential unit and support during a real estate transaction, and high-quality after-sales service.