Did you know that more than 50% of people in the United States are overwhelmed by clutter in their homes? 

Garbage and useless items can accumulate over the years and before you know it, you are getting frustrated with your lack of space.

If you want to make better use of your storage and home, you should focus on decluttering.

Read below to learn the best tips for extreme decluttering so that you can free up space in your home and your mind! 

Start with the Trash 

One of the most important parts of extreme decluttering is getting rid of the trash.

Starting with the garbage is the best way to go because it will make it easier to view your belongings and not get distracted. Go from room to room and start tossing all of the obvious trash in a bag, this will free up space and provide instant relief. 

When you come across broken or useless items, you should also get rid of them. Make sure that you recycle any materials that you can, to limit how much is going to the landfills. 

Make Donation Piles

Whether you are decluttering clothes or kitchen utensils, you should make donation piles.

Many people have a habit of buying items that they already own. Typically this is done to upgrade an item. The next time that you notice an upgrade, grab the older version and put it in a pile for Salvation Army or humanitarian organization. 

You can also donate or sell your books to a library. Many people suggest you get help pricing before letting go of your hardcovers though. 

Consider Your Resources

When you go through your declutter list, make sure you add items that you don’t need from online resources.

For example, if you have a box of pamphlets with information about products, you can easily look these up online. This is something small to get rid of but will make a difference when you do it for all of the items in your home. 

You can also get rid of old maps, alarm clocks, and other items that you no longer need because of your devices. 

Make Practical Purchases

The entire goal of extreme decluttering is to get rid of a lot of things at once.

After you start this process, you must ensure that you are only making practical purchases. If you donated piles of clothes because you always wear the same things, you should monitor how much you spend on clothing.

It is also practical to buy furniture with the ability to store items. This is practical because it serves as a table or bench but can also hide your blankets and movies! 

Bring Extreme Decluttering into Your Home 

Although it might be a large task, you can start extreme decluttering in small steps.

Getting rid of trash and donating items can free up a lot of space in your home. This free space will provide relief to your storage problems and anxiety about having too many things. Don’t be afraid to let go of items that no longer serve a purpose or can easily be replaced. 

Be sure you check out our blog for more articles about how to declutter a home enjoy the space you live in!