In order to graduate and start practical, real professional activities, it is necessary to settle with the university as soon as possible and obtain a diploma of higher professional education. One of the requirements that must be met in advance – prepared, written and successfully submitted thesis. Some graduates order diplomas from specialists, others write and design themselves. Each student decides which option to choose independently. But in any case it is necessary to understand and know all features of registration of the diploma work. For quality preparation and writing of work it is recommended to divide all actions on stages.

At the stage of preparation

It consists in obtaining the initial data for writing a diploma. These are:

Choice of supervisor

A good supervisor is a guarantee of effective preparation, quality writing and successful defense of the thesis. Therefore, it is recommended to look closely at the teaching staff in advance and choose a teacher based on professionalism, individual performance, as well as loyalty to the student.

Choice of theme

An experienced teacher will not only help with thesis writing, but also tell you what topic to focus on. In fact, the topic can be chosen based on the following criteria:

Personal interest

On the basis of previous, previously completed course work (in the development of the topic); taking into account plans for further professional activity.

Writing a plan

At first glance, it may seem that this sub-item is not so important. The main thing is to find sources of literature and fill the document with the required volume. But it is the quality of the plan that directly affects the organization of the process of writing the work itself, as well as the final result.

The plan should contain the following main sections: 

  • Introduction.
  • The main part (theoretical).
  • The practical part. The theory must be confirmed by practice.
  • Argued arguments convincingly prove the novelty of the study.
  • Conclusion, generalization of the passed material.
  • Conclusions on the diploma.
  • List of literature sources used in writing the work.

If available – additional information, applications, graphs, tables, etc.

At the stage of writing

Knowing the structure of the diploma, you can understand exactly how the final document is formed, how much it should have and in what sequence the information will be presented. 

The result will be a positive review and convincing defense of their work in front of a solid, competent teaching audience. Drawing up the structure of the diploma itself is facilitated if the source material is properly processed – the plan. Many divisions here intersect, repeat. 

The purpose of research in scientific work is to forecast the results, which are expected to prove in the process of writing a diploma. 

The task is the sequence of actions, using which we plan to achieve the goal. The structure of a typical thesis includes the following main sections. 

  • Title page (letter). It is not numbered and must contain information about the educational institution and department, the name of the reviewer and the head. department. 
  • The topic of work, year of writing, full name of the graduate and his supervisor are also indicated. It is made out on a separate sheet (sheets) and indicates the page numbers of all chapters and sections of the work. Introductory part (up to 5 pages). 
  • The introduction is the introductory part of the work and in it the performer talks about the relevance of this topic. 
  • The main part, theoretical and practical. They are divided into paragraphs and make up to 80% of the total. Here it is consistently told how the questions and tasks set at the beginning of work are solved. 
  • The conclusion should be short and capacious. Volume – 2-3 pages. It should confirm the practical value of the study. 
  • List of used literature and other sources. It is made out on separate sheets. Information is indicated: surname and initials of the author, title of the work, year of publication. 

If such a structure is followed, and the student can comment on his work, answer questions – successful delivery is almost guaranteed! The sequence of presentation of information is very important, teachers closely monitor it.

Methods of writing a diploma

When preparing the finished work for submission for inspection, it is necessary to pay attention to the fact that the volume of the finished material should be approximately 50 – 80 sheets (14 font). To make the thesis look like a real study, it is important to follow all the above recommendations when designing materials. An important role in achieving success is played by the right choice of writing techniques.

At the completion stage

Conclusions, as well as the abstract – these are the most important components of any thesis. And if with the introduction everything is more or less clear, then on such points as conclusions and summarizing, convincing proof of the hypothesis, special attention should be paid.

Many teachers immediately pay attention to the quality of writing conclusions during the test. And if everything is fine – put a very high score, recognizing the authorship of the work. Review. This is a short response compiled by the teacher and contains information about the work done by the graduate. Here the reviewer indicates the relevance of the research topic and gives a brief description of each section. Abstract or explanatory note. This is almost the same document, which describes the work in detail. It should contain all the basic and strictly systematized information about the work itself.

Creating a presentation for the thesis

It is necessary to show the members of the selection committee the structure of the diploma, to facilitate the perception of the work by the examiners. At its registration it is necessary to adhere to the principle of minimalism. The shorter the report, the better.

Writing a report and a speech to the thesis

Thesis report is a short and capacious statement of views, embedded in the work itself. The main ideas of the scientific document should be indicated here. Volume – 3 or 4 typewritten A4 sheets.

Preparing for day X

Be sure to read the text in the morning. Don’t go for less that your full potential. This is almost impossible. The main thing is to understand the topic and clearly imagine the structure of the finished work. Of course, you should take care of your appearance.

What to do if you did not defend your diploma?

The first thing to do is to find out and record all the comments. Then you need to decide on the date of transfer (as a rule, the university has such a practice), eliminate the shortcomings and try to repeat. Everything will definitely work out!