Did you know that a study concluded that people in the United States experience more stress while moving than during a divorce? 

Packing up all of your things can be overwhelming and most of the time you have time constraints. 

If you are planning to move soon, there are a few tips that can help make the process easier for everyone. 

Keep reading to learn about some of the best tips for learning how to plan a move, no matter how far the new house is! 

1. Manage Address Change

One of the best tips on how to plan a move is to start managing address details from the start.

The first place you will want to begin is with the Post Office, through them, you can update your address to recieve mail at the new home. You can also get your voting registration taken care of here. 

As you pay bills, you should also start updating credit and other online accounts with your new address. 

2. Get Packing Supplies

Even in a simple residential move, you still need to get packing supplies.

Boxes, tape, and bubble wrap are some of the most essential supplies that you will need to get. Many people recommend starting with a large pack of boxes and then gradually buying less at the store. It is better to buy boxes as you need them, rather than have way too many. 

3. Pack & Declutter

Now that you have your boxes and tape, you can start packing items and decluttering the home. 

Only pack the items that are meaningful or practical. If you come across broken belongings or anything that you don’t use, donate them or recycle the materials. As you pack items, you will start to notice your home getting cleaner, which is perfect for showings and pictures. 

4. Organize Moving Day Details

Whether you are hiring movers or doing it with friends and family, there is a lot to work out for the moving day. 

You can contact Doorage if you need help storing your belongings or moving your box to the new place. Aside from movers, you will need to ensure that you can stay at your current home until your moving date and that the new home will be ready for you to move into.

Timing is a major component in the moving process.  

5. Prepare New Home

After you get the keys to your new place, you should visit the home and start preparing things.

With cleaning products, a vacuum, and a duster, you can make the home clean and fresh. It is helpful to open the windows and light a candle. This will help get some of the dust and chemicals out of the home so that the air and property are ready for you to live in. 

Do You Know How to Plan a Move?

Figuring out how to plan a move can be challenging when there are so many details that come into play. 

Taking care of address changes will take some time, however, once you get everything updated with your new address, things get a bit easier. Getting supplies at the start of your move is recommended so that you have everything you need when you start decluttering and packing.

Don’t forget to spend some time at the new place, cleaning things up, so that you can move right in. 

Be sure to check out our blog for more articles about packing for a move and finding your dream home!