
College life is much more than the studies that may shape your future. It’s also often the first time we have to think about buying food, domestic things, or how you can buy term papers online beyond the cost of the degree.

Even if this is not your case and you are lucky enough to have it all paid for, it never hurts to know how to make a little extra money in your spare time. After all, at some point or another, you’re going to have to start thinking about earning a living.

Everything you need to know about earning money as a student

If you follow these rules, you’ll ensure that the job you choose to supplement your time as a student is as successful as possible:

  • Be unique: You don’t have to choose a typical student job, but you can think of ways to make a living that no one has thought of before.
  • Be true to yourself: This gives your project a much better chance of succeeding. People are looking for authenticity and a fresh point of view, not recycled ideas.
  • Be patient: Building a project or service from scratch takes time and effort, so be prepared to wait months or even years before reaping the rewards.
  • Make studies your priority: Studies are expensive, so don’t waste them. Extra work should be just that, something you can do in your spare time.
  • Accept that there will be setbacks: Like everything in life, student jobs also have their ups and downs. You must understand that you have to give time to this job, but without it taking time away from your studies.

Examples of extra jobs for students

You can find a lot of different ways to make money online. Here are some real examples to motivate you to leave the library for a while and slowly introduce yourself to adult life.

1. Create original written content

One of the fastest ways to build an audience (and, as a result, more income) is to produce high-quality content. Opening a blog is one of the most popular ways to build an online portfolio, which will also help you when looking for a job later on.

Platforms like WordPress or Blogger offer a good starting point for bloggers in college, while other sites like Medium will give you more exposure and the opportunity to grow your audience quickly.

Take your time and make your website look beautiful, just the way you like it. We also recommend that your image has consistency across all platforms. Social media is a great way to promote your website and interact with your audience.

2. Create audiovisual content

Now that we are talking about video, another option that could help you generate extra money is the production of your own audiovisual content. We have already mentioned YouTube, although it is difficult to attract the audience of a platform that receives 300 hours of new content every minute.

We’re not going to deny all the advantages of starting a YouTube channel, especially if what you want first is to gain experience. But we’re not going to fool you either: it takes a lot to turn it into a regular source of income.

3. Sell your expertise

Having expertise in a particular area is another way to make quick money. You just need to find a subject that you feel comfortable enough to teach to your students. Here are some examples.

  • Music: Whether you produce your own music or offer online lessons, you will always find someone interested in learning to play an instrument (and they are often willing to pay you for it).
  • Languages: Many universities receive international students every year. If they need a hand with English or another language you are proficient in, they will be interested in individual lessons. Perhaps you can learn their language in exchange.
  • Crafts: Do you like to crochet or sew? Make the most of it and sell your creations. You can also offer to teach others these skills for a small fee.
  • Sightseeing tours: If you know the city where your university is located well, take the opportunity to show it to tourists (or other students who don’t know it so well). If you don’t know it yet, it’s time to learn about all the sights.

Once you’ve found what makes you unique and can teach others, remember that it’s just as important, if not more important, to promote it on social media. You can ask your university to help you on their accounts and you can also share it on student Facebook groups.

4. Sell secondhand items

If you’re moving away from home now that you’re starting college, it’s time to clean out and sell everything you won’t need anymore. After all, you won’t be able to take everything with you to your new home or dorm room.

A good way to decide what to sell and what not to sell is to ask yourself if you are going to use it in the next year. If not, chances are you will never need it. We are talking about clothes, books, and childhood toys?

There are many websites where you can sell second-hand products:

  • eBay: One of the best e-commerce sites in the world, eBay always has deals on the commissions it charges to advertise on its website. That means you only have to pay when you manage to sell one of your products.
  • Depop: Its main public is the one interested in fashion. You can sell clothes that you no longer use, although you should know that you will have to pay the platform 10% of each sale and also a small commission for using PayPal.
  • Etsy: Its focus is vintage and handmade items: jewelry, toys, clothing, furniture, and much more. The cost is 5 % per sale and 4 % if you use their own payment system.
  • Facebook Marketplace: It’s a fairly informal platform, but that means you won’t have to pay anything to sell a product. Indeed, you won’t have the security of payment protection of others, but it’s effective if you’re looking to sell something quickly (maybe not at the best price).

Outside the virtual world, you can also sell your products in second-hand stores, although doing it online has clear advantages. What’s more, if you dare you can even create your website to sell your used items.

Now knowing about the ways of earning money for students, you can find the most convenient way for you and earn money for clothes, buying essays, and entertainment.


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