Did you know the average facility spends 16% of its budget on energy costs running its pumping systems? 

If your company is looking to cut down on how much it’s spending on energy costs to run its pumping system, it’s important for you to learn the best way to cut down on energy consumption. Since water is so heavy, it takes a lot of energy to move massive amounts of water through a pumping system. Thankfully, practicing proper pump maintenance is the best way that you can cut down on your energy bill.

How do you practice proper pump maintenance? We’re going to dive into everything you need to know in this quick guide. Keep reading to learn more!

Increases Efficiency

Firstly, it’s important to discuss how having proper pump maintenance can increase the efficiency of the sealing system. Your system can be easily overworked why having a lot of mechanical friction that causes the system to work harder than it needs to.

In addition, if there are any weeks because of improper pump seals see, it increases the amount of ceiling lost in the pump. This is another part of the pump that can reduce the overall efficiency of the pump.

So, you can help save money on the amount of electricity used to operate the pump system by having a maintenance technician ensure there are proper pump seals on the pump. This will stop your pump from having to work so hard, allowing you to save money on your pump system. 

Keeps The Impeller In Check

When your pump system has proper maintenance is done on it regularly it will keep the impeller in check. Sometimes, maintenance technicians won’t do a good job of keeping track of the impeller length. An impeller shouldn’t be any smaller than the diameter that the manufacturer recommends for the pump curve.

If the impeller is cut too short or kept too long, it can drastically impact the maintenance of the overall system. In addition, keeping track of the impeller length can help to keep throttling losses at bay that is often associated with control valves. 

Extends the Life of the Pump

Having regularly scheduled pump maintenance will help to extend the life of the pump. Even if you have to cut into your budget to pay for a technician to come out to service the pump, it’ll ensure that the system has regularly scheduled maintenance to ensure it’s working properly.

The pump motor inside of your pump system requires basic upkeeping, such as greasing the gears and sometimes making adjustments to the shaft sealing. Depending on the certain model you have, there may be other things that need to be done to keep up with maintaining pump requirements to keep up with the health of your system. 

If you want to learn more about the importance of pump maintenance, take a look here

Understanding the Importance of Proper Pump Maintenance 

Ensuring that your pump is properly maintained can easily be overlooked. however, practicing proper pump maintenance could ensure that your system is working as efficiently as a can, which can help to save you money on your overall operational costs.

Are you interested in learning other tips to help you save energy? Check out our blog to learn more.