Most people in the current era are on the lookout for eating healthy and maintaining a fitness regime, as the pandemic brought out how important it is to prioritise health over other factors in life. However, pet parents, especially dog parents, are concerned about prioritising their dog babies’ health in new and exciting ways. Grain-free and gluten-free (nonsynonymous words) are the trends, and grain-free dog food is an attempt to bring the same concept to dog food. “Why grain-free?” is a question most people are asking themselves while contemplating about making the shift, something everyone must do before taking a chance with their or their loved one’s health. Click here to know more about your dog’s nutrition.

Grain-free? The things one needs to know:

It is often easy to miscalculate that no grains in one’s staples might mean that they’re cancelling on carbohydrates, one of the macronutrients most required by humans as well as dogs. Carbohydrates act as the energy providers, and thus if this myth is true, it would mean that the choice would indicate a shift of deriving energy through fats or proteins (other macronutrients) as some diets do.

However, that is not the case. Grain-free is not equal to carb-free. Carbohydrates are included from other foods like potatoes, peas, etc., rather than obtaining the same from whole grains such as rice, wheat, corn, barley, oats, etc. Therefore there exists a balance of nutrition with the essential macronutrients in the right quantities.

What is grain-free food’s speciality?

 By eliminating grains, grain-free food has the scope of including whole foods into their staples and thus can be a positive inclusion of various vitamins and minerals. When making this potentially challenging dietary choice, it promotes better digestion and less bloating. Additionally, for puppies, incorporating specialized supplements such as puppy milk can contribute to their overall nutritional needs just like what kitten milk does for kittens, fostering optimal growth and development. 

Grain-free dog food and its benefits:

Most dog parents seek the veterinarian’s help in choosing the best food for their puppies as they grow in age. One must understand that, just like humans, dogs too have a requirement as they grow and develop. Whole foods, especially meat, is essential for any dog’s good strength and physical activity. However, consulting with a veterinarian is the first step towards allotting grain-free dog food. The nutritional balance is perhaps something that any veterinarian would recommend based on factors like the dog’s age, current health, vaccinations, etc. Once the veterinarian approves that one’s dog can shift to grain-free alternatives, one can make the shift immediately. 

Various dog breeds worldwide prefer grain-free dog food containing higher proportions of meat than the usual dog food alternatives. Even though the decision lies upon the veterinarian’s advice, it always comes to the dog’s individual preference and tastes towards the end. Because as much as the nutritional content is looked into by dog owners, the dog must consume its given food. If the dog dislikes its food, it is unlikely to eat or complete its meal at its appropriate time.

Factors to consider before purchase:

Most consumers always prefer quality over quantity, especially when it comes to food. It is the same case with dog food as dog owners always make sure that their pet is happy, healthy and always feels loved. If the concerns are the same as mentioned above, one must ensure that the ingredients listed on the package are authentic. One must also avoid purchasing products that contain excessive preservatives and artificial stabilisers, just as one would do when it comes to their food and nutritional supplements. Choosing unique products keeps the pets happy and directly contributes to its owner’s happiness too.   

Author Bio:

Ester Adams is a farmer of words in the field of creativity. She is an experienced independent content writer with a demonstrated history of working in the writing and editing industry. She is a multi-niche content chef who loves cooking new things.