As the owner of a dog, you enjoy all the benefits that come with having a loyal companion by your side. But having a dog isn’t always sunshine and rainbows. You also need to take responsibility for everything that comes along with owning a pet, like making sure they’re healthy and happy.

One thing every dog owner should have on hand is a first aid kit for dogs. You never know when your pet might get hurt or sick, so you must have everything you need to respond quickly in case of an emergency. Having an idea of what to include in your dog’s first aid kit can give you peace of mind knowing that you’re ready for anything.


Have you ever had something in your eye and tried to wash it out with water? It feels like the water isn’t doing anything, right? Well, that’s because you pulled out the dirt by rubbing your eyes or wiping away the irritant but not all of it. 

To make sure all of the particles are gone, you need to flush them out with an eyewash solution. If there’s any chance that your dog has gotten anything in their eyes like sand or dust from a recent walk on a windy day, you should have an eyewash bottle on hand.

Nonstick Gauze Pads

Nonstick gauze pads are used to clean wounds, cover wounds or keep them covered. They are also used to stop bleeding if your dog has a cut that is bleeding. Depending on how big the wound is and how long it’s been open, you may not need any bandaging at all. If your dog has a small cut and it’s just oozing blood or dirt, all you might need is some nonstick gauze pads to clean up the area.

Veterinary Antiseptic Wipes

Vet antiseptic wipes are a must for any dog lover and owner. These wipes are excellent for cleaning wounds and minor scratches on your dog’s body, as well as their face after spending time outdoors. They can also be used to clean the inside of the ear, which can be useful if you notice an odor or buildup that could indicate a problem. 

Vet antiseptic wipes are also great for cleaning your dog’s bottom when they have an accident in the house. Vet antiseptic wipes are perfect for use on paws because they keep them soft and healthy while removing dirt that may have accumulated during walks outside or playing in the dirt around the yard.

Veterinarian-Approved Disinfecting Solution

The first step in treating your dog’s cuts and scrapes is cleaning them, and that means disinfecting the wound. You can buy a veterinarian-approved disinfecting solution at any pet store or online store. The solution is a liquid that kills bacteria, which helps prevent infection.

It’s important to clean wounds as soon as possible after they happen, this will help prevent infections from setting in and keep your pup healthy overall. You can also use this disinfectant on surfaces like floors or furniture where your pet has bled or urinated on before. It kills germs so you don’t have to worry about them spreading around.

Styptic Powder or Cornstarch

Styptic powder is an inexpensive, non-toxic product that’s used to stop bleeding from small cuts. It works by clotting blood and drawing it away from the wound.

Cornstarch is also effective at stopping bleeding, but it can be messy because the cornstarch doesn’t absorb water and therefore has a tendency to cake up when it comes in contact with bloody fur or wounds. The powder may also stick to your dog’s fur after use, which isn’t ideal if you want him to look clean and professional during his next visit to the office.

Since styptic powder forms a tight seal around the wound site, it doesn’t need pressure as some other techniques do. And if you’re using styptic powder instead of cornstarch on deep wounds or those that have been reopened repeatedly (such as bite wounds). Then applying direct pressure might cause more harm than good since this would push germs into deeper layers of tissue instead of just keeping them out of sight near the surface where they belong.

3 Percent Hydrogen Peroxide (3 ML per KG Body Weight)

3 percent hydrogen peroxide (3 ml per kg body weight) is a good disinfectant, but it should not be used as a substitute for veterinary care. Its main uses include flushing wounds, cleaning wounds and surfaces, and removing dead tissue from minor abrasions. Be cautious when using hydrogen peroxide on deep punctures or large cuts because it can cause more damage to tissues with prolonged exposure.

Veterinarian-Approved Antihistamine Tablets

You have to have an antihistamine in your canine first aid kit. This is the best way to treat itchy skin, sneezing, watery eyes, hives, and swelling that is caused by allergic reactions. It can also be used to treat insect bites and stings.

Antihistamines are available at most pet supply stores or online through PetCareRX. Veterinarian-approved brands include Benadryl (diphenhydramine), Chlor-trimeton (chlorpheniramine), and Atarax (hydroxyzine).

Muzzle (Or Strip of Cloth)

Muzzles are an invaluable tool for dog owners, especially those with dogs that have health or behavior issues. If you have a dog with aggressive tendencies, they may require a muzzle at certain times to keep them from biting others.

Muzzles also help keep your pet from ingesting anything hazardous like cleaning chemicals or plants that could make them ill. If you’re traveling with your furry friend and need to put him/her in the car for any length of time (or if you’re taking a plane), muzzles can ensure that he/she stays calm and doesn’t cause damage inside the vehicle.

Blunt Scissors, Puppy-Sized Tweezers, and Blunt Tip Forceps for Removing Ticks and Splinters

Scissors are best for cutting the tick’s head off. Tweezers can be useful for pulling ticks out of hard-to-reach places, but remember that tweezers are not designed to remove ticks; they have a very fine point and can easily break when you try to extract a tick with them. Forceps, on the other hand, are great at removing splinters or anything else that gets embedded in your dog’s skin.

If you do not have any blunt scissors, puppy-sized tweezers, or blunt tip forceps in your first aid kit and especially if you’re dealing with an embedded splinter. Don’t use your bare hands to remove a tick; this could cause infection in both yourself and your dog.

Syringe for Liquid Medication And/or Soaking Injuries (No Needle)

A syringe is a great tool to have on hand for administering liquids, especially when your dog isn’t feeling well and doesn’t want to eat a pill. Syringes can be used to soak wounds, but they shouldn’t be used for giving pills or liquid medication. 

A syringe with no needle is safe for use on dogs and cats because it won’t cause pain or injury when used. However, it should never be used as an alternative to giving your dog medicine by mouth. The best way to administer liquid medicine to your pet is by letting them lick it off of their paws. This method ensures that the medicine gets into its system quickly and effectively.

Disposable Gloves Will Protect You From Infection if You Need to Clean a Wound

You should always wear gloves while treating a wound, even if it’s just a small one. Your pet may have other health issues that make him more prone to infection, and wearing gloves will protect you from picking up any bacteria or viruses from their bodily fluids.

If you are allergic to latex and don’t have any other options for gloves, then you shouldn’t treat the wound at all. Similarly, if you have cuts on your hands or open wounds (like scrapes), then it’s best not to treat the injury without taking special precautions first.


It’s good to take precautions when you’re out with your dog, just in case something goes wrong. A dog first aid kit is a great way to make sure that you’re prepared for emergencies. Hopefully, it will never be needed but it doesn’t hurt to be cautious.