Addiction is a type of disease that affects everyone and impacts them in different ways. As such, treatment protocols have evolved to take this into account.

Those struggling with the fight against addiction and their loved ones are provided with a wide variety of services to help them get a fighting chance at recovery.

According to the NIH, 10% of the population suffers from a substance abuse disorder in their life. If your family is caught up in this statistic, there are many places to turn.

If you don’t understand substance abuse or addiction, our guide below can help you learn how to help a loved one with addiction.

Show Support

If your loved one is struggling with addiction, it is important to show your support. This may mean being understanding and patient, as well as offering help and encouragement. You can also provide practical assistance, such as helping to access addiction treatment or providing a safe and supportive home environment.

To maintain a healthy relationship with recovering addict, start by expressing your concern for their wellbeing. It’s important, to be honest about your feelings and let them know that you’re worried about their addiction and its impact on their health and life.


Listen more than you speak. This is a time for them to share their story, so let them do most of the talking. Ask open-ended questions. This will encourage them to keep talking and will give you a better understanding of their experience. 

Avoid judgment. This is not a time to pass judgment on their choices or to try to fix their problems. Just listen and offer your support.

Be Present

Being there for our loved ones who are battling addiction is important. We can offer them our love and support, which can help assist them in healing. 

Even though it can be painful to witness someone we care about suffer, by being there for them, we can express our support and want to serve them during this trying time.

Maintain Boundaries 

It is important to respect your loved one’s need for space and privacy when they are dealing with addiction. Establishing and maintaining boundaries will help them feel safe and secure as they work through their recovery. Let them know that you are there for them, but respect their wishes if they need time alone.

If they are not ready to talk about their addiction, don’t push them. Allow them to come to you when they are ready. Remember that addiction is a disease, and your loved one is not responsible for their addiction. Show them compassion and understanding as they battle this disease.

Learn More About How To Help A Loved One With Addiction

If your loved one is struggling with addiction, know that you are not alone. There are many resources available on how to help a loved one with addiction through this difficult time. Seek support groups, counseling, and other professional help. Most importantly, never give up hope. Addiction Recovery is possible with the right help and support.

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