Despite all the conversations happening around environmental issues, most homeowners don’t have a focus on “being green” yet. If you’re looking to offset your energy use and focus on more sustainable living, you may be wondering where to start.

The truth is, there are quite a few ways you can make your home more environmentally friendly. But, it’s not easy! Many measures will require some financial investment as well as a shift in your way of living.

Fortunately, you’ve come to the right place for advice. If you’re ready to level up your environmental game but aren’t sure where to start, read on for our guide. Here are the 6 key features that will make your home greener.

1. Energy-Efficient Lighting System

One of the key features that will give you an eco-friendly home is having an energy-efficient lighting system. This type of system can help you reduce your energy consumption. This means you will be able to save money on bills, as well.

There are a variety of energy-efficient lighting fixtures on the market, including LED bulbs and fixtures, fluorescent bulbs and fixtures, and compact fluorescent bulbs. You can also find ones that are designed to work with your existing lighting fixtures.

2. Solar Panels

Solar panels are a great way to reduce your carbon footprint, and they also help to save you money on your energy bill.. They are easy to install and are a great way to reduce your environmental impact. Remember to get a quote and inquire regarding a solar-powered home only to experienced and licensed electricians.

3. Smart Thermostats

Smart thermostats learn your heating and cooling habits. It automatically adjusts your temperature settings to optimize energy efficiency. You can also program your smart thermostat to lower your energy usage during peak times to help reduce demand on the power grid.

4. Water Filter

A water filter will help to remove impurities from your water, making it safer to drink and use for cooking. It will also help to save money on your water bill, as you will be using less water overall. It reduces your carbon footprint because you will lessen your plastic bottle waste.

In addition, a water filter will help to improve the taste of your water, making it more enjoyable to drink.

5. Garden Space

If you’re looking to make your home more environmentally friendly, then having a garden space is a key feature! Gardens help purify the air, reduce noise pollution and provide a natural habitat for local wildlife. They can also help to regulate temperature, providing cooler air in the summer and warmer air in the winter.

In addition, it can help to absorb rainwater, reducing the strain on local drainage systems.

6. Sustainable and Natural Materials

Use sustainable materials that can be naturally replenished or that have a low environmental impact. For example, using bamboo instead of hardwood floors or using recycled glass countertops instead of granite. Other key features include using energy-efficient appliances, lighting, and windows. Also, using low to no VOC paint, insulation, adhesives, and using sustainable landscaping practices will help.

Switching to a More Environmentally Friendly Home

Going green is a continuous and intentional journey. By making a few key changes in your home, you can help the environment and end up saving money. Implementing energy-efficient appliances, insulating your home, and conserving water are all great ways to make your home more environmentally friendly.

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