A lot can go wrong when you own a house. However, of the many potential disasters you might face, a pest infestation has to be one of the worst! Unfortunately, millions of Americans face this exact problem every year.

Are you worried your home might have suffered the same fate? Well, this post should help. Keep reading to discover 5 tell-tale signs you need to call a pest control business as soon as possible!

1. Damage

Many pests have the nasty habit of causing damage to the houses in which they infest. Termites are a prime example- chewing their way with gusto through any tasty timber they encounter- but mice and other pests can cause similar issues. If you see scratch marks and/or gnaw marks in your furniture, or tiny holes in the walls, then it could be worth calling in the pros!

2. Strange Noises

Have you heard any unusual sounds in your house recently? Maybe there’s been some scratching going on in the ceiling or some pattering in the walls, or perhaps your floorboards are squeaking all of a sudden. Whatever the case, you might have some pests hiding in the nooks and crannies of your property.

Only hire trained and certified pest control experts, like Drake Lawn & Pest Control, to solve your pest infestation problems.

3. Dead Bugs

You don’t have to have an infestation of pests to see dead bugs around the house. Be wary if you start seeing lots of them though- especially if it’s the same type of insect each time. You could be in the early stages of an outbreak, so it’ll be worth calling in a professional pest control company, like the team at https://www.holmesutah.com/sandy/, for their input.

4. Droppings

Most household pests leave evidence of their presence in the form of droppings. The tricky part’s identifying them when they do! Pest scat ranges in size and appearance (e.g. cockroach droppings look similar to ground coffee, whereas rat droppings resemble dark grains of rice), so we recommend calling the pros if you’ve noticed anything untoward and suspect pests might be to blame.

5. Bites

Have you been itching a lot recently, or getting more bites and red marks on your skin than usual? In either case, there could be pests to blame (particularly if all of the bites look the same)! Whether the culprits are fleas, midges, spiders, mosquitos, bed bugs, or beetles, you’ll want to handle this issue sooner than later. When it comes to protecting your property from unwanted pests, it’s important to choose a reliable and professional pest control company like Greenix Pest Control that offers safe and effective solutions.

Time to Call a Pest Control Business

As a homeowner, there’s nothing worse than waking up one day and realizing you have a serious pest infestation! After all, whether you have rats, cockroaches, or bed bugs inside the property, it’s a major inconvenience and a serious hygiene issue. The only silver lining is that there are countless pest control services available to help.

With any luck, the insights in this article will help you recognize whether or not the time’s right to call a pest control business near you! Want to learn more about this topic and others like it? Browse the rest of our blog today.