Want to know Dell’s strategy that saved them $12 million annually?

They offer their employees a flexible work schedule. Dell has been giving workers flexibility in their schedules since 2009, and it has gotten more official since then.

Now, over 60% of Dell’s workforce works flexibly, and Dell was able to cut costs – big time – on office space.

Although Dell was definitely a pioneer in this space, they are not alone in offering their employees flexible work hours. And since the covid-19 pandemic, flexible schedules have become more and more common.

Here are 5 ways that offering a flexible work schedule can help not only your employees but also your entire company:

1: Attract the Best Candidates

Under a flexible work arrangement, workers are (for the most part) able to select their own working hours and location. Some companies have core working hours where all employees are required to work to make scheduling meetings easier.

These benefits are appealing to job-seekers, of course. It allows your employees to work at times that make sense to them, and prevents unnecessary commuting when going to the office isn’t worth it.

Many candidates don’t even consider companies unless they offer some flexibility in scheduling. This is especially true for top talent who might be recruited by many organizations and can afford to be pickier with their selection.

To make sure that your company still is still competitive in the job market, flexible work hours are a strong way to stand out. Your positions will appear in more search results, and stay on the list when job-seekers filter out companies who fixate on the 9-5 workday.

2: Improved Employee Retention

High employee turnover can be expensive for any company. There are costs to recruit and hire new employees. Time is lost in the training process while new employees go through training processes.

Fortunately, offering flexible work arrangements can help your organization reduce turnover and keep employees longer. Individuals are more likely to stay at a company when they have this freedom, and it’ll save your organization money.

Companies see these benefits increase even further for millennial and Gen-Z employees. For younger employees with many working years ahead of them, benefits usually outweigh salary. To hold on to fresh talent, flexible work schedules are the way to go.

3: Reduce your Footprint

If you’re hoping to replicate Dell’s $12 million success story, start with reducing your footprint. With a percentage of employees working from home, there’s no need to pay high costs for office space.

There will no longer be a need for each employee to have their own workstation in the office. With help from new technology and software, switching to open-concept workspaces is simple. Click for more on how tech tools can support nonterritorial workspaces.

Empower Your Organization with a Flexible Work Schedule

In today’s world, employee empowerment’s importance cannot be understated. A flexible work schedule gives your employees a sense of pride and ownership in their work. As a result, you’ll see increased productivity steer clear of burnout.

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