It’s tough to determine when a newborn or toddler is critically ill, but the most important thing is to trust your gut. You know your child better than anybody else, so you’ll recognize when something is truly wrong.

You might want to keep an eye on and check whether or not your baby is suffering from the conditions we will be discussing in this post. Here’s a list of warning indications that your baby or toddler might be seriously ill:

1.  Breathing

If your child is panting or making a throaty sound while breathing, they are having difficulty breathing and are sucking their stomach under their ribcage.

2.  Temperature

If your baby is suffering from a high temperature with cold feet and hands or he has a high fever that does not subside with paracetamol or ibuprofen, it is not a good sign. Also, a temperature that is extremely high or extremely low must be addressed.

Even when their temperature is not high, but your child is silent and listless and feels hot or cool to the touch it is not good too. If your baby is under the age of eight weeks and has a high fever, do not ignore it.

3.  Drowsiness And Unresponsiveness

It’s natural for your infant to feel tired at times, such as after a feeding. However, if your child appears to be sleeping more than usual, this could indicate a serious disease. If you can’t wake your child despite your best efforts, seek immediate assistance.

Unresponsiveness in children can indicate a variety of serious illnesses and conditions, such as low blood sugar (hypoglycemia) or life-threatening brain infection (meningitis).

4.  High-Pitched, Weak, Or Continuous Crying

Every baby and the young child cries. However, if your child is sobbing in an odd way, and you’re having problems soothing him or her, regardless of taking her out in her favorite baby stroller oem or giving the best food he loves, then you should be concerned that he or she may be suffering from a serious disease or be in agony.

5.  Pale, Blotchy, Or Blue Skin

Poor blood circulation or low oxygen levels in the body can create pale, blotchy, or blue skin. both of which can occur during serious juvenile illnesses including bacterial infections or pneumonia.

6.  Seizures Or Convulsions

Your child’s eyes may roll backward if they are having a convulsion or seizure. They may be unresponsive, shiver violently in all limbs for a brief period of time, and breathe shallowly or abnormally.

A seizure at this age is almost always a febrile convulsion. Febrile convulsions aren’t dangerous and can occur when a youngster has a fever. However, febrile convulsions might occasionally indicate a dangerous brain infection.

7.  Rash (Positive Glass Test)

When you push a glass forcefully against your child’s skin, spots or blotches that do not fade can be an early symptom of a life-threatening meningococcal infection.

8.  Wee Less Than Usual

Reduced wet nappies than normal, that is, nearly half the number of wet nappies your kid usually has each day, is an early symptom of many dangerous illnesses. It’s possible that your child is dehydrated.

9.  Poor Feeding

If your child isn’t eating properly or doesn’t seem interested in eating, it could be an indication of illness.

10. Frequent Or Green Vomiting

Vomiting is the body’s natural way of getting rid of undesirable things. It could also be a sign of illness or infection. Additionally, green vomit may signify an intestinal obstruction. Continuous vomiting can lead to dehydration and harmful chemical imbalances in the body.

If your child is vomiting green fluid or is unable to eat or drink anything and continues to vomit, go to an emergency room. The normal gap between two vomitings is 12 hours for toddlers under the age of two and 24 hours for children above the age of two.

11. Color And Look Of The Skin

If your child is pale or blue, or whenever you press it, the skin has a purple or red rash that will not go off, then you must be alarmed.

Common Childhood Illnesses

Some of the common childhood illnesses including:

  • The Common Cold
  • Bronchitis
  • Laryngitis
  • Sinusitis
  • Ear Infections
  • Croup
  • Pneumonia
  • Whooping Cough
  • Chickenpox (Varicella)
  • Gastroenteritis (‘gastro’)
  • Hand, Foot, And Mouth Disease

These ailments are extremely frequent. Because young children play in close quarters and contact the same surfaces – whether it be at home, in childcare, or at the park – germs spread quickly. Make sure when you clean your pet’s litter or change bulk aquarium filter media, your kids are not around to get those harmful germs.

Also, young ones must not be allowed to play around in unsafe stuff or areas. Sometimes minor wounds or physical attraction can end up in a risky disease. For example, make sure your custom gun cabinets, sharp kitchen knives, or products with toxins are far from the children’s range.

When children cough or sneeze, they do not cover up as well as adults, allowing pathogens to spread. When your child is old enough, teach them to cover their mouths when they sneeze, not to share food or utensils, and to wash their hands thoroughly.

When To Call An Ambulance

Call for an ambulance if your child:

  • Stops breathing
  • Will not wake up
  • Gets their first febrile seizure (fit), even if they appear to recover
  • Develops a life-threatening allergic reaction (anaphylaxis)
  • If you believe your child has been gravely wounded