Whether you’re a first-time buyer or seasoned home-owner, moving house can be very expensive. According to Which?, the average cost in 2021 came to £11,777 in the UK – a hefty sum that’s on top of the sizable deposit. To help you reduce the cost of moving, we’ve brought together the follow seven ways you can reduce the cost and set aside more money for the fun stuff: decorating and furnishings!

Plan ahead

As with any significant expense, it makes sense to plan ahead when organising the specifics of your move. With plenty of time, you can get quotes from a more diverse range of moving companies, and use other quotes to whittle down the price.

Declutter before packing

We all accumulate clutter through the months and years, and the worst possible time to realise your home is full of clutter is when you’re packing up for a move! To save yourself the headache, spend a weekend throwing out unwanted clutter before you pack – it’ll speed up the process immensely!

Move on a cheap day

According to ReallyMoving data, the busiest day of the week to move in 2020 was a Friday. It makes sense – take one day off work then get the whole weekend to move – but extra demands means it’s more expensive to move on a Friday, and if any issues occur, your conveyancer won’t be in the office the next day. Instead, choose a weekday like Tuesday or Wednesday.

Try and move home in a cheap month

The same data from ReallyMoving found the busiest months for moving were in July, August and September, with the least busy between January and April. While it’s important to find a home you love, choosing a winter month may translate into lower moving costs.

Build your furniture yourself

When you’re moving, it can be very tempting to hire professionals to put together your furnishings – whether they’re from everyone’s fave flatpack store, a lesser flatpack, or old furniture you took apart for the move. This can be expensive though, so instead get a few screws and a couple of trusty electric screwdrivers by your side, and do it yourself for free! Click here to find out more.

Redirect your mail

Missing out on mail can be expensive, particularly if companies send you final bills to your old place. That’s why it’s crucial to redirect your mail so it gets delivered safely to your new address – you can do so via the Royal Mail or Post Office. Alternatively, make a list of the companies you regularly receive mail from and contact them with your new address and moving date.

Compare utility providers

When moving, it’s tempting to get the quickest and simplest utility provider possible – such as the one the previous owner used. There’s a high probability you won’t get the best deal here though, so be sure to shop around using comparison sites, preferably a week before you move.

Have you moved recently? How did you reduce the cost? Let us know in the comments section below.