Whenever you own a piece of equipment, you’ll likely have to replace parts sooner or later so that your product continues to work properly. This is especially true for heavy pieces of machinery, like cars, which go through parts somewhat regularly.

When you start looking to replace parts, you might come across terms like OEM, VAR, and aftermarket. In this article, we’ll take you through the OEM parts meaning so that you can make smarter purchasing decisions. So keep on reading for more!

What Does OEM Mean?

OEM stands for original equipment manufacturer. OEM refers to a company whose products are used as pieces in the products of other manufacturers, which sells the finished product to customers. 

This second company is known as a VAR, or value-added reseller. They take the parts from the OEM and incorporate them into a finished product. 

The OEM and VAR work closely together. 

Original Equipment Manufacturer Parts vs. Aftermarket Parts

An OEM part is the opposite of aftermarket parts. An OEM part is a part that’s made specifically for the original product. An aftermarket is made by a different company that can be used as a replacement part. 

For example, imagine that a person needs to replace the seatbelt in their car. A specific seatbelt company makes the part for the Toyota Sienna. A consumer can buy an OEM part which will be a duplicate of the original seatbelt. 

However, they can also buy an aftermarket part instead. This would be a seatbelt made by another company that can be fitted into the Toyota Sienna.

If the replacement seatbelt comes from the original seatbelt manufacturer then it’s an OEM part. If it comes from a different company then it’s an aftermarket part. 

Most of the time, a customer will buy an aftermarket part because it’s cheaper. With that said, the best machine parts tend to be OEM because the products are specifically designed for the product.

If you buy an aftermarket part simply because it costs you less then you might end up having to replace that new part relatively soon. An OEM part might cost you more upfront but will likely last you longer and cost you less in repairs. 

Also, a poor-quality aftermarket part could end up wearing down the whole product. 

If you are looking to replace Wacker Neuson parts then you should view the selection here for high-quality OEM parts. 

The Importance of Knowing OEM Parts Meaning

Hopefully, after reading the above article, you now understand what OEM parts meaning is. As we can see, OEM parts can often be the right decision for people who are looking to keep their machines running properly. By knowing how these parts compare with aftermarket parts, you can make the right purchasing decision for your needs.

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