The User Interface of a website plays an important role in determining how a website or application is going to perform in the long run. Keeping it simple is not the ideal solution. While a simple UI will be easier to use, there should be an interactiveness in the interface that will entice people to explore it more thoroughly. In other words, the UI of a platform should be so that it is attractive and at the same time, easy to use.

And when it comes to a gaming platform, the UI becomes all the more important. Two such platforms whose competition in UI is very tight are Ace2three and GetMega. For users who want to understand the difference between the two, it is important to dig a bit deeper into both of the platforms’ UI. 


Ace2three does not boast much about its UI but it is one of the positives on the website. The UI is pretty easy to use and the colourful tables make it a beautiful sight to look at. For playing different games it is ideal as you can easily switch between them. The look and feel of the entire application are pretty vibrant and those who are fans of the colours, are not going to be disappointed by this platform. 

As Ace2three primarily focused on card games, the optimization for the same would be found on the application. Set against the blue background, the players can choose the card game they want to play. The games are played in a horizontal manner, and it is easy for the players to experience the full length of their mobile screen to their advantage. The variations of the card games you play here are of Rummy and do not involve other options. 

Ace2three games are all about Rummy and its variations

When it comes to the website, there is not much you can do here. The User Interface is highly minimalistic and you only get the option to access your account online. Here, the recommendation to download the application is at the forefront. You can easily download the application on both your Android and iOS devices. 

So in terms of application UI, Ace2three does a pretty decent job. Whether it is better than GetMega can only be determined after checking out the UI of GetMega. 

GetMega UI

GetMega is a gaming platform that does not limit itself to a single game. It is a gaming hub where you can try multiple games with quite ease. The games included here are card games and other casual games. The great thing about GetMega is its UI. Whether you are accessing the website or the mobile application, the quality of the platform is equal. Set against the backdrop, the colours of the game shine more vividly. The intuitive UI helps you to jump to the section you want to access at once. Whether it is all games, card games, casual games, trivia, certifications or blogs, all of it is given on the website. However, to play the game you have to download the application which is pretty much the necessary requirement for all gaming platforms. Just like Ac2three, you can download the mobile application of GetMega on both your Android and iOS devices.

The interesting thing about GetMega is that you can play the games in both vertical and horizontal manner depending on the game you are playing. In other words, there are some games that you can play vertically with your mobile screen held up normally. The horizontal games, on the other hand, are played by tilting the phone screen. Games like Poker, Carrom, and Warship are played vertically. Rummy and GoPool are played horizontally.  

As already mentioned, the UI of GetMega is highly interactive and this makes it much easier for the players to interact with the platform. No matter what game you’re playing, you can easily back out of it and try something new. 

Who Wins? 

While the answer of the UI is generally subjective, a minute comparison between the two would reveal GetMega to be the one with the upper hand. The simple reason behind this is that the games available at GetMega are very diverse in nature and as a result the UI is made to cater to the same experience. Besides, the website of Ace2three holds no comparison with GeMega, as the latter provides an immersive experience even on the browser version. For players, who are new to both of these platforms, are most likely to go to GetMega as it gives you the feel of playing at an international gaming platform. The elegant design and classy finish are the reasons behind this. 

But as there are other things apart from the UI on a gaming platform. It is important to form an opinion only after going through different aspects of the platform. But if UI is your only concern, then GetMega is a clear winner.  


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