For most people, investing in stocks is a passive way of earning money without working anything extra. Trading with equities means buying and owning a part of a company where you are not employed. 

You hope that the business performs well, becomes more valuable, and grows over time. Even though the market can have wide oscillations, it’s always important to stay calm. Patience in the trading world gives way to the possibility that investors will be willing to buy your shares for more than what you’ve initially paid for them, thus earning a profit.

Beginners can have a hard time adjusting to the stock market and everything it brings. For that reason, we prepared this beginner’s guide to introduce you to the world of stocks and help you start investing

How To Invest in Stocks?

Stock trading is not so confusing as it seems at first sight – it just takes time to learn the basics. Today, you can quickly go around the Internet and learn more about all financial instruments or read a mix of professional trading content on Fastbull

We’ve listed some steps you can follow before attempting to achieve your investment goal to aid this research. 

Determine Your Investment Approach

There are several ways to approach stock investing:

  • Individual stocks: If you have enough time and desire to evaluate and research stocks, you can invest independently by going for individual stocks.
  • Robo-advisors: Recently, this has been a prevalent option. Based on your investment portfolio of index funds, appropriate to your risk tolerance, age, and specific goals, the robo-advisor invests your money for you. 
  • Index funds: You can invest in index funds to focus on the long-term and look for small contributions regularly. They are a type of mutual funds constructed around a specific market index. Here managers are hired to track that index and ensure the index fund performs accordingly to it.

Choose an Investment Account 

You can choose between an online brokerage account or go for a robo-advisor. Brokers are a less expensive way to buy funds and stocks. But with a broker, remember that you’re the one that directly trades on the stock market.

A robo-advisor account, on the other hand, is the more expensive option. However, it tailors a financial portfolio to your needs and wants – you only need to tell them your goals in investing.  

Determine the Amount to Invest 

One fundamental rule in trading is to only invest with extra funds. You certainly don’t want to invest your emergency fund; therefore, consider only the money you won’t need at least within the next five years.

Once you have decided on the “expendable” money, you can proceed to the so-called asset allocation. In the most simple term, choosing what financial suitable your money will go to. 

Focus on the Long-term Investing

The stock market return in one year is around 10%. However, note that the stock exchange varies, meaning you’ll experience many ups and downs. 

And yet, many stick to long-term investing in stocks. The reason is simple – the bigger the risk, the bigger the rewards. Moreover, as a long-term investor, you can develop a strategy and an acceptable approach to this fluctuation.

Check Your Stock Portfolio

Your portfolio’s health will be affected by daily fluctuations; however, it won’t hurt to check on your investments or stocks regularly. Ensure that your portfolio is in line with your investment goals. 

A Few More Pieces of Advice

To get the most desired results, we are offering you the following tips for investing in stocks: 

  • Diversify your portfolio – Don’t let your portfolio focus too on one sector. Instead, go for several types of stocks or different industries. However, don’t get too confident; invest and stick only to the business that you understand. 
  • Avoid constantly checking your stocks – Checking your equities a couple of times a day won’t bring anything good. So unless you’re trying to succeed at day trading or beat the odds, once a day is enough.
  • Use stock market simulators – All beginners should start with this “trading” method. This way, you will gain experience without risking real money. 
  • Learn the terms – Don’t rush in. First, learn the meaning of each term – P/E, PEG, payout ratio, etc. Make sure that you also understand the statistics of dividends and splits.
  • Don’t panic – If the stocks crash, don’t immediately sell. As we said, the market rises and falls, so there may be chances that the prices will go up again.


Now that you have a good fund of knowledge for investing in stocks don’t wait up!

Trading on the stock market is a proven method to increase your wealth – be it your active or passive income. It may seem like a lot of work, but you will see that there is nothing too complex about it with time. And more importantly, it’s worth it!