Entrepreneurs are known for their innovative spirit and willingness to take calculated risks. 

And from the startup phase to expansion, they constantly face making split decisions in a moment that could significantly impact their financial future. 

However, they often apply the same attitude towards their investment because they are in an environment where risk is daily.

As a result, they often find navigating wealth management complex and difficult because they operate from a mentality of risk. 

“Entrepreneurs need to recognise the importance of caution and level thinking regarding their finances,” says Marco Belda, a wealth management specialist who advises entrepreneurs in investment portfolios. He also works with ultra-high-net-worth individuals and wealthy families.

“You can dedicate many years to mastering business entrepreneurship, all to achieve success and building wealth,” reveals Belda.

“For a fortunate few, this wealth may also include family inheritance. However, learning how to manage and safeguard this wealth is a critical element frequently absent from our educational journey. Wealth management is an essential, yet often untaught skill, not encompassed within the scope of conventional education.”

Belda advises to see yourself as a steward of wealth, who bears responsibility not just for your own finances but also for your family and loved ones: “You don’t need to become an expert investor, but you should learn how to evaluate financial performance, manage risks, and set appropriate benchmarks.”

He adds that a good wealth advisor will guide you in understanding these aspects, aligning their responsibilities with your need for knowledge and clarity in wealth management: “It is important to take a long-term perspective and an over-arching approach to investment. Undoubtedly, the entrepreneurial journey is inherently fraught with risks, but in many cases, it is prudent to take a more measured approach. There are many ways to do this while maintaining a continuous build for your wealth.”

Here, Belda delves into the critical wealth management principles that innovative entrepreneurs should adopt to safeguard and grow their wealth.

Diversification: Beyond the Business

One of the cardinal rules in wealth management is diversification. Entrepreneurs often invest a significant portion of their wealth if not everything in their businesses.

While this can lead to substantial gains, it also exposes them to high levels of risk. 

To spread risk, you can invest in a mix of assets, such as stocks, bonds, real estate, and alternative investments.

Diversification is your safety net. It’s not just about expanding your portfolio but also protecting it from the volatility of the market and the business world.

Liquidity Management

Cash flow is the lifeblood of any business and a critical component of personal wealth management. Entrepreneurs must ensure they have sufficient liquidity to meet business and personal needs. 

This can be a delicate balancing act. Too much liquidity might mean missing opportunities for higher returns, whereas too little can lead to financial distress when needed.

Liquidity management is about having enough cash on hand to weather storms without stifling the growth potential.

Wealth management should involve maintaining a balance between liquid assets and investments locked in longer-term ventures. 

This ensures that entrepreneurs have the necessary funds for personal and business needs.

Long-term Perspective and Succession Planning

Entrepreneurial ventures can be so absorbing that long-term personal financial planning takes a back seat. Having a long-term perspective, including retirement planning and estate planning is crucial. Think about the legacy you want to leave behind.

Succession planning is essential, not just for your business but for your wealth as well.

Mitigating Tax Liabilities

Innovative entrepreneurs often benefit from various tax incentives, but these can be complex and ever-changing. 

Efficient tax planning is therefore a crucial aspect of wealth management. I recommend working with financial advisors who understand the nuances of tax laws as they apply to entrepreneurs.

Strategic tax planning can significantly enhance your wealth. It’s about understanding how to leverage tax laws to your advantage legally.

Risk Management: Insurance and Beyond

Insurance is an often overlooked aspect of wealth management. Entrepreneurs should consider insuring their business assets, personal wealth, and health. 

Disability, life, and liability insurance can protect against unforeseen events that could otherwise jeopardize business and personal finances.

Insurance isn’t just a cost; it’s a crucial part of your risk management.

Embracing Technology

In an era of technology revolutionizing every sector, wealth management is no exception. Fintech solutions can offer enhanced ways to manage and track wealth, providing real-time insights and data-driven investment strategies. I encourage entrepreneurs to embrace these technologies but also to seek personalized advice.

However, technology is a tool, not a replacement for personalized, expert advice. Use it to complement your wealth management strategy.

Building a Trusted Team

Perhaps the most vital principle is recognizing that wealth management is not a solo endeavor. 

Entrepreneurs should build a team of trusted advisors, including financial planners, accountants, and legal experts. This team can provide comprehensive advice and help navigate the complexities of wealth management.

Building a team of experts who understand your vision and can guide you through the financial landscape is invaluable.

Strategic Philanthropy and Social Investment

Modern entrepreneurs often view their wealth as a means to create a positive societal impact. 

Strategic philanthropy involves investing in causes and initiatives that align with personal values and can also complement business objectives. 

This approach to wealth management includes impact investing, where investments are made in companies, organizations, and funds.

The intention is to generate a measurable and leveraged, beneficial social or environmental impact alongside a financial return.


Wealth management is a critical component of innovative entrepreneurs’ overall success. 

Entrepreneurs can protect and maximize their wealth, ensuring financial stability and the ability to focus on what they do best – innovating and growing their businesses.

About Marco Belda

Marco Belda is best known for founding GPS – Global Portfolio Strategists, a pioneering wealth management firm in Brazil. His leadership was a key driver in GPS’s remarkable growth, managing assets upwards of USD 9 billion annually, leading to its acquisition by the renowned Swiss bank Julius Baer. 

With over 15 years in the industry, Belda’s expertise spans wealth management, corporate finance, and investment banking.

His tenure as Co-Director & Partner at GPS Planejamento Financeiro Brazil in Sao Paulo was marked by his significant contributions to establishing the firm as a domestic and international wealth management leader. 

He excelled in asset management, playing a crucial role in enhancing and evaluating client portfolios. His strategic investment analysis collaborated seamlessly with global and local financial entities. Belda’s adeptness in engaging with fund managers globally ensured the firm’s investments were continually monitored and validated, spanning diverse areas like hedge funds, fixed income, High Yield, Real State and Private Equity.

While at GE Capital N.A, Structure Finance Group for South America Brazil as Managing Director, Belda pioneered capital market operations throughout South America. He led various financial strategies including asset issuances, Sale Leasebacks, division restructures, and M&A activities with private sectors. 

As Vice President at ING Barings, New York, Brazil, for 7 years,  focused on investment banking operations across Latin America. He specialized in transactions with the private sector and engagements with multilateral organizations like OPIC, Miga, and the World Bank. 

In Brazil, his leadership in the Corporate Finance Group was crucial for corporate and sovereign debt restructuring and raising external funds through various financial instruments.

Belda’s early career at Citibank N.A. Brazil, where he served as Vice President of Underwriting, involved overseeing debt and equity issuance operations. 

He also managed business relations with multinational corporations and contributed significantly to the bank’s credit department, focusing on company analysis and credit line approvals.

Belda’s academic background is equally notable. He earned his Economics degree from São Francisco University and later pursued a Financial Management Program at Stanford University. 

Completing a Commercial Green Belt in the USA/Brazil’s New Management Development Course further demonstrates his commitment to continuous learning.

Marco also explored opportunities in real estate in the student Living sector and actively participates in the Council of three prominent national groups. 

His extensive experience and strategic approach in finance and management continue to impact various industries, establishing him as a significant figure in the global financial sector.
