When you’re in college, you probably have a very limited budget to live on. Those broke college student stereotypes are pretty much quite accurate unless your parents are funding your education and living expenses completely. However, if you have to deal with most of your expenses yourself and are in college on scholarship or student loans, your wallet might be quite strained. This is where Daily Prosper can help students. This is especially true if you’re renting an apartment and have to pay everything from utilities to the bills for your Cox cable deals.

While you probably can’t work dedicated full-time jobs as a student, and may not get your dream job just yet, there are ways you can earn a decent amount of money. There are numerous job opportunities, both on-campus and off-campus for you to explore. The internet has also made this hunt a lot easier and more convenient, with online earning opportunities that won’t interfere with your classes. Here are a few ways you can make money while still in college, and live life comfortably.

Sign Up as a Resident Advisor or Teacher’s Assistant

Most colleges have various programs where you can sign up as an RA or TA. If you live in a dormitory, then you should definitely try to become an RA. Often, this will get you freeboard, and you also get some income on top. You have to use a set of organizational and communication skills to be a good RA, and manage your assigned dorm areas well.

If your college does not have a formal TA system, talk to a few of your professors. Many of them may be willing to pay you to help them manage lessons, grading, and other such matters. Make sure you get along well with your instructors and are a good student so that you can get more TA opportunities.

Become a Tutor

If you’re well-versed in a certain subject or are good at teaching children, you can try tutoring. You can either tutor college students in topics you’re good at or tutor schoolchildren, whatever suits you the best. You can take up multiple tutoring gigs, as you’d only have to put in a few hours a week for each of your clients.

Once you make a name for yourself and your students start producing good results, then you’ll get even more clients.

Sublet Your Apartment in Holidays

Even if you’re home for the holidays or for online classes, you’ll still have to pay rent on your college apartment. If your contract allows you to do so, you can sublet your apartment at these times to other people. This works especially well if your college is in a vacation town or is near some sort of job recruitment nexus.

People will then pay you to rent it for short periods of time, and you won’t have to worry about paying your own rent that way. You can even put it up on Air BnB or sublet an extra room to get a steady stream of money flowing in.

Write Resumes

College seniors are probably applying for their dream jobs near the end of their degrees. The first thing they need is a well-written resume and a good cover letter, in some cases. You can leverage this situation, especially if you’re skilled in professional writing.

Offer resume writing services, and create various packages. Market these services properly, and work with your clients to highlight the skills and achievements which showcase them as great employment material.

Sell Your Old Notes & Study Guides

There’s no need to keep your old books, notes, and study guides. Once you’re done with the relevant courses, you can sell them to other people taking that course. You can make a post on your college’s forum or social media groups to let other students taking these courses know that you’re selling these materials.

You’re sure to get a lot of offers, as buying these materials brand new can be extremely expensive. This will help you earn money and also pay for your next semester’s study materials as well.

Take up Gig Economy Jobs

Sign up on apps like Postmates and Seamless, especially if you have some mode of transportation available to you. These gigs just require you to deliver some items to customers, and you can get a steady daily income this way.

You can also look online for odd jobs, and take up a few of these to keep your income flow running. Most of these are quite simple and do not require long hours.

To sum up, there are many clever ways you can earn money while you’re still in college. These will make life much easier for you and help you pay your way through your education.